Charleston Civic Center

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Charleston-West Virginia (WV)

  • Category: convention-centers
  • Section: Convention Centers
The Charleston Civic Center is a municipal complex located in the downtown area of Charleston, West Virginia. Originally completed in 1959 at the cost of $2.5 million, the Charleston Civic Center has undergone numerous renovations and expansions. The Charleston Civic Center currently consists of three main components: the Civic Center Coliseum, the Little Theater, and the Charleston Convention Center, also referred to as the Grand Hall.

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Today (25 April)
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15.9 ° C
1.5 ° (min)     17.6 ° (max)
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2.3 m/s
1024 hPa
Tomorrow (26 April)
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22.6 ° C
5.2 ° (min)     24.2 ° (max)
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5.3 m/s
1022 hPa
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