Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption

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  • Category: religious-christianity
  • Section: Religious - Christianity
Matâ'Utu Cathedral (Cathédrale Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption de Matâ'Utu) is a Roman Catholic cathedral, and a national monument of France, located in the town of Matâ'Utu on Uvea, in Wallis and Futuna. It is a dominant edifice in downtown Mata-Utu town, capital of Wallis Island. It bears the royal insignia of Wallis, a Maltese cross between its towers.The cathedral is also known as the "Our Lady of Good Hope Cathedral". It is the seat of Bishop Ghislain Marie Raoul Suzanne de Rasilly.

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Today (21 January)
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28.4 ° C
27.7 ° (min)     28.8 ° (max)
8 mm
4.9 m/s
1012 hPa
Tomorrow (22 January)
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28 ° C
27.8 ° (min)     28.8 ° (max)
4.3 mm
6 m/s
1012 hPa
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