"SolarCity Linz" by Auer+Weber+Assoziierte

  • Kategorie: famous-architects
  • Abschnitt: Famous Architects
The solarCity is established in Linz-Pichling in Austria, an energy-saving living district with about 4,000 people. The local housing estates were built as low-energy design. The idea, that fossil fuels contribute to global warming, and therefore their use should be avoided, was a fundamental concept in the planning.

The planning for the project began in 1992. Since 1999, the 1,300 apartments was gradually built in construction within 6 years. The total cost of the project amounted to 190 million euros, nearly two-thirds of which is for the residential building, and only a third of the total as the cost of the infrastructure.

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Standort auf der Karte / Wie man dorthin kommt

Wetter in der Gegend
Heute (11 September)
das aktuelle Wetter an diesem Ort
17.6 ° C
10.6 ° (min)     21.6 ° (max)
1.3 mm
5 m/s
1011 hPa
Morgen (12 September)
Wetter morgen an diesem Ort
8.6 ° C
8 ° (min)     13.1 ° (max)
30.7 mm
6.5 m/s
1016 hPa
Vorhersage für 14 Tage anzeigen Quelle: openweathermap.org
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