Institut Lumière museum

  • Kategorie: museums-history
  • Abschnitt: Museums - History
The Lumière brothers, Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas (19 October 1862, Besançon, France – 10 April 1954, Lyon) and Louis Jean (5 October 1864, Besançon, France – 6 June 1948, Bandol), were among the earliest filmmakers.

Since 1982, the Institut Lumière has had its home in the heart of Monplaisir, the historical area of Lyon where the Lumière brothers invented Cinématographe and where, in 1895, they shot the first film in the history of the cinema : "Sortie d'Usine".

Concurrently, a place of reminiscence and a film theater, the Institut is a genuine Living Museum of the Cinema. Films are screened, directors are invited, exhibitions are organized, young viewers are educated within these walls.

Its double vocation embodies heritage conservation – films, books, photos, posters, pre-cinematographic and cinematographic equipment – and publicity-related artistic activities – film screenings, exhibitions, publication, education and training.

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Standort auf der Karte / Wie man dorthin kommt

Wetter in der Gegend
Heute (19 September)
das aktuelle Wetter an diesem Ort
18.6 ° C
11 ° (min)     23.1 ° (max)
0 mm
1.5 m/s
1016 hPa
Morgen (20 September)
Wetter morgen an diesem Ort
22.9 ° C
13.4 ° (min)     25.1 ° (max)
0 mm
3.8 m/s
1017 hPa
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