Cathedral of Valladolid

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  • Kategorie: religious-christianity
  • Abschnitt: Religious - Christianity
Valladolid's Cathedral, also called Cathedral of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, was designed by Juan de Herrera, architect of El Escorial.

Purist and sombre, its style is the typical Spanish "clasicismo", also called "Herrerian", show in all its architecture and decoration. This style follows the characteristics of Juan de Herrera. It does not house any exceptional pieces although in its time it has been the keeper of a Greco painting. Today it contains a rich musical archive including 6000 works and some authors define it as unique in Spain and a 16th century altarpiece by Juan de Juni. The history of the building is intertwined with that of the city of Valladolid, to the point that the growth of the town conditioned the construction of the cathedral in its origins.

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Wetter in der Gegend
Heute (14 Dezember)
das aktuelle Wetter an diesem Ort
7 ° C
0.7 ° (min)     8.3 ° (max)
0 mm
2.1 m/s
1032 hPa
Morgen (15 Dezember)
Wetter morgen an diesem Ort
7.1 ° C
0.5 ° (min)     8.3 ° (max)
0 mm
2.9 m/s
1038 hPa
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