Cathedral of St. John the Baptist

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  • Kategorie: religious-christianity
  • Abschnitt: Religious - Christianity
Jana Chrzciciela ( Cathedral of St. John the Baptist) is a church in the city of Wrocław, Poland. It was the first building of the town to be made of brick when construction started on it in 1244. While it was heavily damaged during World War II, some reconstruction work is being done on it. The cathedral also holds the largest organ in Poland, formerly, the largest organ in the world, as well. The current standing cathedral is the fourth church to have been built on the site.

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Wetter in der Gegend
Heute (9 Dezember)
das aktuelle Wetter an diesem Ort
2.5 ° C
-0.6 ° (min)     2.9 ° (max)
1.7 mm
5.2 m/s
1020 hPa
Morgen (10 Dezember)
Wetter morgen an diesem Ort
1.8 ° C
1.3 ° (min)     2.3 ° (max)
0 mm
4.7 m/s
1028 hPa
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