'Bartlesville Symphony Hall' by William Wesley Peters

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Bartlesville-Oklahoma (OK)

  • Kategorie: theatres-concert
  • Abschnitt: Theatres - Concert
The 1700-seat Bartlesville Community Center was built in 1982 and serves the entire region as a multi-purpose facility for all types of performances and events. Its concert hall is renowned for its beauty and marvelous acoustics, and it is on this stage that the Bartlesville Symphony has become such a vital force in the community’s culture. The hall was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright protégé William Wesley Peters of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and Taliesin. The striking architecture, particularly in juxtaposition to Wright’s famous Price Tower across the street, has made the Community Center a visual focal point of downtown Bartlesville.

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Wetter in der Gegend
Heute (7 November)
das aktuelle Wetter an diesem Ort
15.8 ° C
8 ° (min)     17 ° (max)
0 mm
6.9 m/s
1024 hPa
Morgen (8 November)
Wetter morgen an diesem Ort
12.9 ° C
10.2 ° (min)     16.3 ° (max)
17.6 mm
8.4 m/s
1019 hPa
Vorhersage für 14 Tage anzeigen Quelle: openweathermap.org
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