Pyramid complex of Pepi I
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- Kategoria: ancient
- Sekcja: Ancient
The pyramid of Pepi I has not fared well - it is now not much more than a pile of rubble 12m high - in the centre is a crater dug by stone robbers. Fortunately the inner chambers have survived - including the'Pyramid Texts' which covered the walls (this is due to the conservation work carried by the French Archaeological Saqqara Mission who pieced the fragments of the walls back together - jigsaw puzzle from hell!). Egypt - Land of Eternity]
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Dzisiaj (9 września)
33 ° C
26 ° (min) 35.3 ° (max)
0 mm
11.1 m/s
1009 hPa
Jutro (10 września)
33.8 ° C
26.6 ° (min) 36.6 ° (max)
0 mm
9.5 m/s
1009 hPa
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