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- Kategoria: ancient
- Sekcja: Ancient
Propylaea, Propylea or Propylaia in Greek — Προπυλαια. The monumental gateway to the Acropolis, the Propylaea was built under the general direction of the Athenian leader Pericles, but Phidias was given the responsibility for planning the rebuilding the Acropolis as a whole at the conclusion of the Persian Wars. The building was designed by the architect Mnesicles. Construction began in 437 BC and was terminated in 432, when the building was still unfinished.
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Dzisiaj (9 września)
30.1 ° C
23.1 ° (min) 30.5 ° (max)
0 mm
4.8 m/s
1011 hPa
Jutro (10 września)
27.6 ° C
24.1 ° (min) 28.8 ° (max)
5.7 mm
7 m/s
1005 hPa
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