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- Kategoria: palaces
- Sekcja: Palaces
The Prinz-Carl-Palais was planned in 1803 by the young architect Karl von Fischer for Abbé Pierre de Salabert, a former teacher of King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria. Since 1825 it belonged to Maximilian's son Prince Carl. He ordered Jean-Baptiste Métevier and Anton Schwanthaler to decorate the rooms. After Carl's death the Palais served as Diplomatic mission for Austria-Hungary from 1876 onwards before it has become a residence for the Bavarian Prime Ministers in 1924.
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Dzisiaj (14 września)
6.1 ° C
5.5 ° (min) 7.6 ° (max)
43.5 mm
6.7 m/s
1028 hPa
Jutro (15 września)
12.8 ° C
4 ° (min) 13.7 ° (max)
4.3 mm
4.6 m/s
1024 hPa
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