Primate's Palace, Bratislava
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- Kategoria: palaces
- Sekcja: Government - Local Palaces
The Primate's Palace is a neoclassical palace in the Old Town of Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. It was built from 1778 to 1781 for Archbishop József Batthyány. In 1805, the Palace's Hall of Mirrors saw the signing of the fourth Peace of Pressburg, ending the War of the Third Coalition. Today, it serves as the seat of Mayor of Bratislava.
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Znajdź nocleg w pobliżu (Wyszukianie noclegów w pobliżu tej budowli jest obsługiwane przez
Pogoda w okolicy
Dzisiaj (14 września)
8.4 ° C
6.9 ° (min) 10.6 ° (max)
23.1 mm
15 m/s
1009 hPa
Jutro (15 września)
10.1 ° C
9.3 ° (min) 10.6 ° (max)
64.8 mm
13.9 m/s
1011 hPa
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