Jesus Boat - Yigal Allon Museum at Kibbutz Ginosar
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- Kategoria: museums-history
- Sekcja: Ancient Museums - History
The Sea of Galilee Boat or The Jesus Boat was an ancient fishing boat from the 1st century AD/CE (the time of Jesus), which was discovered in 1986 in the north-west shore of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. The remains of the boat, which are 27 feet (8.27 meters) long and 7.5 feet (2.3 meters) wide and with a maximum preserved height of 4.3 feet (1.3 meters), first appeared during a drought, when the waters of the Sea (actually a great fresh-water lake) receded.
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Znajdź nocleg w pobliżu (Wyszukianie noclegów w pobliżu tej budowli jest obsługiwane przez
Pogoda w okolicy
Dzisiaj (11 lutego)

16.7 ° C
9 ° (min) 17.1 ° (max)
2.7 mm
2.8 m/s
1018 hPa
Jutro (12 lutego)

16.2 ° C
9.4 ° (min) 16.8 ° (max)
6.8 mm
4.9 m/s
1021 hPa
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