Jelling Mounds
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- Kategoria: ancient
- Sekcja: Ancient
One of the mounds is presumably a burial mound, perhaps of King Gorm of Denmark. This mound contained a wooden chamber, but no remains of a burial. The other mound had no chamber. The site is shrouded in mystery, as it has always been connected to King Gorm and Queen Thyra, the parents of King Harold I of Denmark (Harold Bluetooth, Danish: Harald Blåtand), who also erected a large runic stone and a Christian church on the spot. At a central place under the church floor a grave containing the remains of a man has been excavated. This is interpreted as the remains of the (re)burial of Gorm. The remains of Thyra have never been found.
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Dzisiaj (14 lutego)

-0.3 ° C
-2.8 ° (min) 0.3 ° (max)
0 mm
4.1 m/s
1029 hPa
Jutro (15 lutego)

1.9 ° C
-2.8 ° (min) 2.7 ° (max)
0 mm
6.8 m/s
1024 hPa
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