James Armour's House
Położenie pokaż na mapie
Sarasota-Florida (FL)
- Kategoria: residential
- Sekcja: Residential
The Chairman and former CEO of AM General (best known for the Hummer/Humvee vehicles) paid $19 million for this 21,000-sq-ft waterfront home in 2009. The house is modeled after Monaco's Monte Carlo casino.
After purchasing, Armour allegedly spent an additional $14 million on interior remodeling and fixing defects in the home, which led him to file lawsuits against the previous owner and several subcontractors.
After purchasing, Armour allegedly spent an additional $14 million on interior remodeling and fixing defects in the home, which led him to file lawsuits against the previous owner and several subcontractors.
Położenie na mapie / Jak tam dojechać
Znajdź nocleg w pobliżu (Wyszukianie noclegów w pobliżu tej budowli jest obsługiwane przez Booking.com)
Pogoda w okolicy
Dzisiaj (20 września)
31.3 ° C
25.8 ° (min) 32.4 ° (max)
0.4 mm
5.2 m/s
1010 hPa
Jutro (21 września)
30.9 ° C
25.3 ° (min) 32.3 ° (max)
0.7 mm
5.2 m/s
1012 hPa
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