Itmann Company Store and Office
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Itmann-West Virginia (WV)
- Kategoria: companies-misc
- Sekcja: Companies - Misc
Itmann Company Store and Office is a historic commercial building located at Itmann, Wyoming County, West Virginia. It was designed by noted architect Alex B. Mahood and built in 1923-1925. It is a Classical Revival style complex built of native sandstone. It consists of four sections (A through D) laid out in an open courtyard plan. Sections A and C are 2 1/2-story parapeted gable front sections located on the northern and southern sides of the courtyard and Section D is a 1-story parapeted half gable roofed loggia. It was built as a company store for the local mining community.
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Pogoda w okolicy
Dzisiaj (7 lutego)

4.9 ° C
0.5 ° (min) 6.8 ° (max)
2.2 mm
3.6 m/s
1025 hPa
Jutro (8 lutego)

7.3 ° C
2.3 ° (min) 16.8 ° (max)
9.1 mm
8.3 m/s
1018 hPa
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