Institute for International Economics (IIE)

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Washington-Washington, DC (DC)

  • Kategoria: international-organizations
  • Sekcja: International Organizations

The Institute for International Economics is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution devoted to the study of international economic policy. Since 1981 the Institute has provided timely, objective analysis and concrete solutions to key international economic problems.

The Institute attempts to anticipate emerging issues and to be ready with practical ideas to inform and shape public debate. Its audience includes government officials and legislators, business and labor leaders, management and staff at international organizations, university-based scholars and their students, other research institutions and nongovernmental organizations, the media, and the public at large. It addresses these groups both in the United States and around the world.

The Institute averages one or more publications per month. It holds one or more seminars, meetings, or conferences almost every week to discuss topical international economic issues. Its Web site averages 140,000 sessions and over 300,000 page views per month.

In late 2001, the Institute helped create the Center for Global Development to address poverty and development issues in the poor countries. The Center conducts research and sponsors research-based advocacy efforts on these topics. The Center is an independent institution with its own board of directors and president. It was housed at the Institute during its startup period and continues to work closely with the Institute, including through joint staff appointments and joint projects.

The Institute's annual budget is about $8 million. Support is provided by a wide range of charitable foundations, private corporations, and individuals and from earnings on the Institute’s publications and capital fund. The Institute moved into its own award-winning building, which includes full conference and videoconferencing facilities, at 1750 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, in the summer of 2001.

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1.2 ° C
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1027 hPa
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5.3 ° C
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1022 hPa
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