Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral Basilica
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- Kategoria: religious-christianity
- Sekcja: Religious - Christianity
Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral Basilica is a structure located on the site where the first Catholic church on Guam was constructed in 1669 under the guidance of Padre San Vitores. The present building looms above the palm trees and is a familiar landmark in downtown Hagåtña, Guam.
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Pogoda w okolicy
Dzisiaj (9 września)
29.4 ° C
27.3 ° (min) 30 ° (max)
18.9 mm
6.3 m/s
1006 hPa
Jutro (10 września)
27.1 ° C
25.9 ° (min) 27.9 ° (max)
54.1 mm
10.5 m/s
1004 hPa
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