Colonial Ammunition Company Shot Tower
Położenie pokaż na mapie
- Kategoria: towers-misc
- Sekcja: Landmarks Towers - Misc
Erected about 1916, the tower was designed to manufacture lead shot for shotgun cartridges, which were employed for sport and hunting. The structure was part of an extensive industrial complex in suburban Mt Eden, Auckland, established by the Colonial Ammunition Company (CAC) in the mid 1880s as the earliest munitions factory in Australasia.
Położenie na mapie / Jak tam dojechać
Znajdź nocleg w pobliżu (Wyszukianie noclegów w pobliżu tej budowli jest obsługiwane przez
Pogoda w okolicy
Dzisiaj (11 lutego)

24 ° C
16.8 ° (min) 24.4 ° (max)
3.2 mm
3.6 m/s
1015 hPa
Jutro (12 lutego)

23 ° C
16.1 ° (min) 23.7 ° (max)
0 mm
2.5 m/s
1021 hPa
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