Château du Verduron
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- Kategoria: homes-famous
- Sekcja: Homes - Famous
The Château du Verduron also known as the Château des Sphinx owes its original fame to Louis Blouin, who held the prominent position of head valet in the court of Louis XIV of France from 1704 until 1715. Other distinguished owners of the property included Victorien Sardou, the French dramatist and one-time mayor of the Parisian suburb of Marly-le-Roi.
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Dzisiaj (17 lutego)

4.6 ° C
-0.4 ° (min) 6.2 ° (max)
0 mm
3 m/s
1021 hPa
Jutro (18 lutego)

6 ° C
0.5 ° (min) 8.2 ° (max)
0 mm
4.3 m/s
1020 hPa
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