Château du Birkenfels
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- Kategoria: castles
- Sekcja: Castles
Architects and historians date the construction of the Château du Birkenfels to around 1260. The earliest recorded mention is from 1289. The entrance tower to the house and the lower courtyard are from the late 15th or early 16th century.
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Dzisiaj (14 lutego)

-2.3 ° C
-5.8 ° (min) -1.1 ° (max)
0 mm
3.2 m/s
1026 hPa
Jutro (15 lutego)

-0.8 ° C
-6.1 ° (min) 0.6 ° (max)
0 mm
2 m/s
1023 hPa
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