Chase Tower

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Chicago-Illinois (IL)

  • Kategoria: skyscrapers
  • Sekcja: Skyscrapers Companies - Headquarters
Chase Tower, located in the Chicago Loop area of Chicago at 10 South Dearborn Street, is a 60 story skyscraper completed in 1969. At 850 feet (259 m) tall, it is the tenth tallest building in Chicago, the tallest building inside the Chicago 'L' Loop elevated tracks, and the 32nd tallest in the United States. CHASE Bank has its U.S. and Canada commercial and retail banking headquarters here. The building is also the headquarters of Exelon. The building and its plaza (known as Exelon Plaza) occupy the entire block bounded by Clark, Dearborn, Madison, and Monroe Streets.

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Pogoda w okolicy
Dzisiaj (10 września)
aktualna pogoda w tej lokalizacji
22.8 ° C
17.8 ° (min)     28.3 ° (max)
0 mm
3.2 m/s
1020 hPa
Jutro (11 września)
pogoda jutro w tej lokalizacji
28.8 ° C
19 ° (min)     30.4 ° (max)
0 mm
3.7 m/s
1017 hPa
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