Charles Allis Art Museum

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Milwaukee-Wisconsin (WI)

  • Kategoria: museums-arts
  • Sekcja: Museums - Arts Buildings - Museums
The Charles Allis Art Museum is a museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is part of the National Register of Historic Places, as the Charles Allis House.

The Charles Allis Art Museum was originally the home of Milwaukee native Charles Allis and his wife, Sarah. Charles, the son of E.P. Allis, was the first president of the Allis-Chalmers Corporation. Charles and Sarah Ball were married in 1877.

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Dzisiaj (10 września)
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21.3 ° C
14.3 ° (min)     24.6 ° (max)
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4.2 m/s
1018 hPa
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25.3 ° C
18 ° (min)     26.3 ° (max)
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4.5 m/s
1017 hPa
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