Chapelle Expiatoire
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- Kategoria: religious-christianity
- Sekcja: Religious - Christianity
The expiatory chapel was designed by the architect Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine in 1815, at Louis XVIII's request. It was built on the site of the cemetery where Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette were buried after having been guillotined in the present place de la Concorde in 1793. This unknown masterpiece is the symbol of the Restoration.
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Dzisiaj (19 września)
22.5 ° C
16.5 ° (min) 25.7 ° (max)
0 mm
6.3 m/s
1018 hPa
Jutro (20 września)
21.8 ° C
15.8 ° (min) 24.7 ° (max)
1.1 mm
3.6 m/s
1016 hPa
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