Chaim Weizmann's house
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Ness Ziona
- Kategoria: landmarks
- Sekcja: Landmarks Homes - Historic
The Weizmann House (Hebrew: בית ויצמן) was the home of the first President of Israel, Chaim Weizmann, and first First Lady, Vera Weizmann. The house sits atop a hill in Rehovot, and is now part of the Weizmann Institute of Science. The house was designed by Jewish architect Erich Mendelsohn, and recognized as a masterpiece.
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Dzisiaj (11 lutego)

14.6 ° C
9.7 ° (min) 14.6 ° (max)
2.3 mm
4.5 m/s
1019 hPa
Jutro (12 lutego)

14.9 ° C
10.3 ° (min) 14.9 ° (max)
6.8 mm
6.6 m/s
1021 hPa
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