Center for Counterterrorism and Cyber Crime
Położenie pokaż na mapie
Northfield-Vermont (VT)
- Kategoria: covert
- Sekcja: Government - National - USA Covert
Vermont was designated as the Army Schoolhouse for Information Operations by the National Security Agency. Atomic Tangerine reportedly supports a new US military cyber warfare training center on the campus of Norwich University, a military college that was recently named an NSA Information Security Education "Center of Excellence." The new cyber warfare center, which is officially run by the Vermont National Guard appears to be a future (and very secretive) training center for US and foreign military and government computer hackers.
Położenie na mapie / Jak tam dojechać
Znajdź nocleg w pobliżu (Wyszukianie noclegów w pobliżu tej budowli jest obsługiwane przez
Pogoda w okolicy
Dzisiaj (17 lutego)

-10.2 ° C
-15 ° (min) -6.3 ° (max)
0 mm
8.3 m/s
1000 hPa
Jutro (18 lutego)

-13.2 ° C
-17.4 ° (min) -12.2 ° (max)
0 mm
7.4 m/s
1015 hPa
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