CCTV Tower - China Central Television Headquarters
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- Kategoria: skyscrapers
- Sekcja: Skyscrapers Companies - Headquarters
The CCTV Headquarters is a skyscraper in the Beijing Central Business District. The building is the headquarters of China Central Television. Groundbreaking took place on September 22, 2004 and the building was completed in December 2008. Rem Koolhaas and Ole Scheeren of OMA were the architects for the building, while Arup provided the complex engineering design. It stands at 234 metres (768 ft) tall and has 51 floors.
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Dzisiaj (7 lutego)

-7.8 ° C
-12.1 ° (min) -4 ° (max)
0 mm
9.5 m/s
1040 hPa
Jutro (8 lutego)

-5.5 ° C
-9.8 ° (min) -2.5 ° (max)
0 mm
6.5 m/s
1039 hPa
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