Cattedrale di Palermo
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- Kategoria: religious-christianity
- Sekcja: Religious - Christianity
During the Norman domination, in 1184 the archbishop of Palermo Walter Offamilio started the construction of a splendid cathedral to replace the Muslim mosque with a Christian church.
Over the centuries the additions and restorations modified the original building: the most radical change was made by Ferdinando Fuga in 1771 and in 1809. He was an architect from Florence and gave to the interior of the church a neoclassical aspect.
Over the centuries the additions and restorations modified the original building: the most radical change was made by Ferdinando Fuga in 1771 and in 1809. He was an architect from Florence and gave to the interior of the church a neoclassical aspect.
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Dzisiaj (12 września)
28 ° C
21.5 ° (min) 28 ° (max)
0 mm
5.9 m/s
1012 hPa
Jutro (13 września)
24.1 ° C
20.9 ° (min) 24.2 ° (max)
3.7 mm
9.8 m/s
1014 hPa
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