Cathedral of Saint Lawrence, Lugano
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- Kategoria: religious-christianity
- Sekcja: Religious - Christianity
The Cathedral of Saint Lawrence (Cattedrale di San Lorenzo) is a Roman Catholic cathedral. It was founded in the High Middle Ages but rebuilt in the late 15th century, with the facade completed in 1517. It is dedicated to Saint Lawrence of Rome.
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Pogoda w okolicy
Dzisiaj (19 września)
19.3 ° C
11 ° (min) 20.4 ° (max)
0.4 mm
2.9 m/s
1018 hPa
Jutro (20 września)
21.4 ° C
11 ° (min) 21.6 ° (max)
0 mm
2.8 m/s
1021 hPa
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