The world's longest glass bridge was opened in China
With a glass substrate, the 300-meter bridge is located in the Chinese province of Hunan. "Hero bridge", because it is called by the local press, stretches between two cliffs of the Shinuizhai National Park.
Located 180 meters above the ground, the bridge has a double-layer glass substrate, each layer is 24 mm thick and is said to be 25 times stronger than regular window glass.
The ropes supporting the bridge are 53 mm in diameter and can withstand much more than expected for this building. Steel reinforcements, metal balustrades and thick glass are able to withstand strong winds, frost, earthquakes and simultaneous presence of up to 800 people on the bridge.
The scary, wooden bridge once standing in this place was replaced by a new glass object. It used to be thought that people who decided to go through this wooden bridge were considered to be bold now, when the ground is almost invisible, this act has grown almost to heroic status, hence the colloquial name of this bridge "hero bridge".
Israeli architect Haim Dotan designed a glass substrate, which was then made by 11 workers working 12 hours a day.
The popular construction will soon not be the longest of its kind in the world, because in the same province - Hunan, another bridge with glass ground is created, which, being 300 meters above the ground, will be 430 meters long.

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