The highest pyramid in Europe?

In Visoko, 30 km from Sarajevo (Bosnia), there is a mysterious building resembling a pyramid. This alleged pyramid measures 220 meters, or 73 meters more than the Cheops pyramid . If the building is officially recognized as a pyramid, it will be the highest construction of its kind in the world.

Opponents of this theory argue that in the times in which the pyramid was supposedly created (about 14,000 years ago), the ice age continued in this area.

Followers based on the fact that the four sides of the pyramid are facing exactly four sides of the world, and that the GPR has discovered more than four kilometers of corridors inside the mountain, they conclude that it is a pyramid.

More information:
Bosnian Pyramids
Bosnian Pyramid

The highest pyramid in Europe?
10/10/2006     Redakcja

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14 years ago
Dać babie internet phyyy ;[
15 years ago
Ogarnij sie
16 years ago
Skąd przypuszczenie, że powstała 14 tys. lat temu? Może było to jeszcze dawniej. Przecież Sfinks z Gizy też najprawdopodobniej jest starszy niż powszechnie wiadomo. Czy na pewno nie ma możliwości, że byliśmy kiedyś bardziej rozgarnięci niż dziś? Pozdrawiam.
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