Screen saver presenting candidates for the list of new 7 wonders of the world

In the download section you can download an official screensaver presenting all 21 candidates to the list of the new seven wonders of the world. The screensaver on the satellite earth globe presents the location, photo and description of the building, as well as the time remaining until the official announcement of the new list, which will take place on 07.07.2007.

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02/07/2007     Redakcja

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17 years ago
Mamy już 7 nowych cudów świata, a mianowicie: 1. Chichen Itza Yucatan, Meksyk 2. Tadż Mahal Agra, Uttach Pradesh, Indie 3. Colosseum, Rzym, W łochy 4. Machu Picchu Cuzco, Peru 5. Great Wall, Chiny 6. Statua Chrystusa Zbawiciela, Rio de Janeiro, Brazylia 7. Petra, Jordania
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