Sakkara reveals secrets
On the western side of King Djoser, Polish archaeologists have discovered the grave of a well-known personality - the "admiral" of the Egyptian fleet. strong> span>
In last year's excavation season, the Polish mission of the Center of Mediterranean Archeology, University of Warsaw under the direction of prof. Karola Myśliwca continued the work during the first campaign in 1987. At the time, in the necropolis in Saqqara (northern Egypt), on the western side of the oldest pyramid - King Djoser - a burial shaft was discovered leading to the tomb from the time of the old state (the 3rd millennium BC). Archaeologists have now found the moat carved out of rock (its depth can reach up to 20 m). Already earlier, Egyptologists have established the existence of "dry moat", 40-45 meters wide, from the south, north and east sides of Djoser's pyramid. Finding it on the west side of the King of Djoser.
But to make sure that it was really carved in the rock, you had to find its other side. And we did it! At the distance of about 2100 - 2200 BC were carved there. Unveiled in 1987, the tomb window was given the grave chapel. A beautiful white limestone slab having the title of the deceased was also found. He was the captain of the fleet, the organizer of the exposition. This document has been created for the most part. Before the plate - another deep shaft. And in the depth of 14 m rumble and other hieroglyphic inscriptions, which more and more talk about the "admiral" - he was on the pyramids of two pharaohs.
These djoser, considered by some archaeologists as a garbage dump or a royal necropolis quarry, unworthy of interest.
In last year's excavation season, the Polish mission of the Center of Mediterranean Archeology, University of Warsaw under the direction of prof. Karola Myśliwca continued the work during the first campaign in 1987. At the time, in the necropolis in Saqqara (northern Egypt), on the western side of the oldest pyramid - King Djoser - a burial shaft was discovered leading to the tomb from the time of the old state (the 3rd millennium BC). Archaeologists have now found the moat carved out of rock (its depth can reach up to 20 m). Already earlier, Egyptologists have established the existence of "dry moat", 40-45 meters wide, from the south, north and east sides of Djoser's pyramid. Finding it on the west side of the King of Djoser.
But to make sure that it was really carved in the rock, you had to find its other side. And we did it! At the distance of about 2100 - 2200 BC were carved there. Unveiled in 1987, the tomb window was given the grave chapel. A beautiful white limestone slab having the title of the deceased was also found. He was the captain of the fleet, the organizer of the exposition. This document has been created for the most part. Before the plate - another deep shaft. And in the depth of 14 m rumble and other hieroglyphic inscriptions, which more and more talk about the "admiral" - he was on the pyramids of two pharaohs.
These djoser, considered by some archaeologists as a garbage dump or a royal necropolis quarry, unworthy of interest.
Tekst: Maria Supranowicz
Źródło: "Wiedza i Życie" nr 1/2003
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