Fire of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

A fire broke out yesterday in the cathedral Notre Dame w Paryżu . Firefighters fought with fire for many hours, at first it seemed that the element could not be defeated, but after many hardships, at 11:00 PM the head of the Paris firefighters informed that the main structure was saved. 400 firemen fought to save this 12th-century Gothic church. A large part of it burned down, the 97-meter spire collapsed, and a moment later the whole roof.

The fire was reported on Monday at 18:50, after just six minutes, 400 firemen fought with the element. Some of them were saved two towers of the cathedral. The causes of the fire are unknown, the prosecution will investigate. Perhaps the fire was made by the workers, who from Monday to Tuesday were carrying out renovation work on the roof. French president Emmanuel Macron has already announced the reconstruction of the monument.

Many donors also put in place the reconstruction of the cathedral, for example the Pinault family has already announced that it is willing to allocate EUR 100 million for the reconstruction of the monument.

The fate of the seventeenth-century bodies inside is not known, the belfry, gothic rosettes and stained glass windows as well as the reliquaries of the Holy Cross and the Passion of the Lord could have suffered. On the other hand, we managed to save the Crown of Thorns, one of the most important Christian relics.

Recall that Notre Dame is one of the symbols of the city and all of France, this Gothic cathedral was completed in the fourteenth century, after 180 years of work. Every year, nearly 14 million tourists visit it.

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16/04/2019     Redakcja

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Narkis []
5 years ago
Straszna strata, miałem okazję zwiedzić katedrę i zrobiła na mnie ogromne wrażenie.
5 years ago
Szkoda bardzo, nigdy jej nie widzialam, a mialam ja na mojej liscie do zobaczenia :(
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