60 buildings that you can visit virtually without leaving home!
Even without leaving home, you can visit and admire the most beautiful tourist attractions in the world. We have prepared for you a list of 60 most interesting and most popular buildings that you can visit virtually.
1. Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu is a 15th-century Incan city in Peru. Numerous gardens, terraces, fountains and palaces create an amazing landscape. This complex was once inhabited by 1500 people and was a place of worship. Today, it is a UNESCO-listed reserve.
Virtual travel: https://www.airpano.com/360photo/Machu-Picchu-Peru/
2. Mont Saint Michel
Mont Saint Michel is an island 78 meters high on the Normandy coast of France, in the Gulf of St Michael's Hill. Every year, the island is visited by more than 3 million people, who have to overcome a 1.8-kilometer long dike to get here during the tide.
See 3D model: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/mont-saint-michel
3. Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal is in the Indian city of Agra. This romantic tomb was built by Shah Jehan of the Mogul dynasty for his wife. More than 20,000 workers took part in the construction, they contributed to the creation of this one of the "7 New World Wonders".
Virtual travel: https://www.airpano.com/360photo/Taj-Mahal-India/
4. Sagrada Familia in Barcelona
Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is a Spanish church designed by the famous Antonio Gaudi. Although the construction of the church began in 1882, it has not been completed to this day. After the death of the architect in 1926, the project was taken over by several other architects. Nowadays, intensive work is underway to complete the building in 2026, the centenary of Gaudi's death.
Virtual walk: https://sagradafamilia.org/visita-virtual
5. Versailles
This palace complex has been the presidential residence and seat of French kings since the time of Louis XIV. The size of the Versailles palace itself is impressive, with a garden facade as long as 640 meters.
3D Travel: http://www.versailles3d.com/en/
6. Angkor Wat
This largest religious complex in the world - Angkor Wat - consists of 250 buildings built in the 12th century. Angkor Wat itself is part of the larger Angkor Thom complex.
Virtual travel: https://www.airpano.com/360photo/Angkor-Wat-Cambodia/
7. Sacré-Coeur in Paris
The basilica Sacre-Coeur on the Montmartre hill in Paris is a place of numerous pilgrimages of the faithful.
The virtual panoramas: http://www.sacre-coeur-montmartre.com/english/visit-and-audio-guide/article/panoramic-virtual-tour-of
8. Athens Acropolis
Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List Akropol was initiated by Pericles. A complex of temples include: Parthenon, Erechtejon, Apteros, the shrine of Artemis Brauronia and Propylejs. The hill itself is only 70 meters high and is built of limestone rocks.
360-step gallery: https://www.airpano.com/360photo/Acropolis-Athens-Greece/
9. Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw
Still the highest building in Poland, The Palace of Culture and Science was built as a gift from the Soviet people to Poland.
Interactive travel: http://www.pkin.pl/eng/page/virtual-tour
10. Chichen Itza
This Mayan city on the Mexican Yucatán peninsula dates back to the 4th century. In 2007 Chichen Itza was selected by internet users for a new list of seven wonders of the world.
360-photos: https://www.airpano.com/360photo/Chichen-Itza-Mexico/
11. Stonehenge
The building consisting of 79 stones reaching a height of 9 meters is located in English Salisbury. To this day, both the purpose of Stonehenge and the way it was built as well as the transport of stones weighing up to 40 tons from the quarry, which is 130 kilometers away, remain a mystery.
See the pictures: https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/stonehenge/history-and-stories/stonehenge360/
12. Lotus Temple
Located in New Delhi, Lotus Temple is the home of Bahai worship, or "the place where the name of God is spoken at dawn. It is the most visited building in the world, it is visited by 8 to 10 thousand people every day.
Watch the panorama: https://www.p4panorama.com/panos/lotustemple/
13. The Statue of Christ the Redeemer
Located on the 700-meter high mountain of Corcovado Statue of Christ the Redeemer, who has his hands outstretched towards the city, as if he were blessing the earth. Every year, almost 2 million tourists and residents visit this place, climbing to the top of the mountain to take a picture next to the statue "of luck".
360° panorama: https://www.airpano.com/360photo/Christ-the-Redeemer/
14. Great Wall of China
China's most famous attraction, which is The Great Wall of China, is an essential stop on every trip to this country. Widely regarded as a world miracle, the Great Wall has more than 2,000 years of history and stretches for more than 3,000 miles in various provinces of northern China, making it one of the most impressive ancient buildings on the planet.
The virtual journey through a piece of wall: https://www.thechinaguide.com/destination/great-wall-of-china
15. Burj Al Arab
This famous "sail" was built on an artificial island. Burj Al Arab was the first hotel in the world to receive 7 stars, although these are not official standards.
The virtual journey: http://www.tourview.com.au/burj-al-arab-hotel.html
16. Grand Central Terminal
Grand Central Terminal in New York City is the largest railway station in the world. The building was the setting for many film productions.
Visit: https://www.youvisit.com/tour/grandcentral
17. The Royal Castle in Warsaw
Originally, it was the residence of the Mazovian dukes, and since the 16th century, it has become the seat of the authorities of the First Republic of Poland. It was almost completely burnt and robbed by the Germans in 1939 and destroyed in 1944.
The 360-degree panorama: https://www.ai360.pl/panoramy/85
18. Kremlin
Located on the bank of the Moscow River, the complex has been the seat of the Soviet government since 1917. Kremlin includes many palaces and Orthodox churches.
Kremlin in 360 degrees: https://www.airpano.com/360video/Video-Moscow-Kremlin/
19. Westminister Abbey in London
Westminister Abbey in London is one of the oldest churches in the world, and its history dates back over 1000 years. Over 3,300 famous people are buried in its interiors, including 17 monarchs and figures such as Charles Dickens and Jane Austen.
The virtual journey: https://strikingplaces.com/tours/westminster-abbey-virtual-tour/
20. Burj Khalifa
The 828-meter-high modern skyscraper Burj Khalifa, at the time of completion, was named the highest building in many categories, including height to the top of the spire, height to the highest inhabited floor, to the top of the roof and to the highest top of the building.
See the world's tallest building in 360 degrees: https://www.touristtube.com/Things-to-do-in-Dubai/Burj-Khalifa-360
21. Guggenheim Museum in New York
Guggenheim Museum designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, in addition to an interesting block in the shape of an inverted Babylonian pyramid, has an interesting interior. Inside there is a huge collection of paintings by such artists as Picasso, Miro, Klee or Kandisky.
Touring the interior with Google Street View: https://artsandculture.google.com/streetview/solomon-r-guggenheim-museum-interior-streetview/jAHfbv3JGM2KaQ
22. Mount Rushmore
Located in South Dakota Mount Rushmore, contains images of four American presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.
Amazing 360-degree pictures: https://www.youvisit.com/tour/mountrushmore
23. The White House
The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States for nearly 200 years. The six-story building is open to the public for free.
A virtual video with a guest appearance by President Obama: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=10155140995934238
24. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
As a result of the fire on April, 15th 2019 The Notre Dame Cathedral was destroyed enormously, the fire consumed a large part of the roof and interiors.
Seeing the interior before the fire: https://samsungvr.com/view/LsSvbbii1Mx
25. Vatican Museum
The museum was opened in 1787 and contains a collection of works of art gathered by many popes. Here you can see, among others, Rafael's frescos and the Sistine Chapel.
The virtual journey: http://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en/collezioni/musei/tour-virtuali-elenco.html
26. Golden Gate Bridge
The famous bridge Golden Gate is one of the most recognizable bridges in the world. It is known by many names, e.g. "golden gate", "bridge sinking in fog" or "suicide bridge".
360° galeria: https://www.airpano.com/360photo/San-Francisco-Golden-Gate-USA/
27. Buckingham Palace
The Queen's official residence, Buckingham Palace, has been the subject of many national celebrations, from anniversaries and weddings to the Queen's annual birthday. Every year it welcomes tens of thousands of people to its gates for numerous events and parties.
The virtual tour: https://www.royal.uk/virtual-tours-buckingham-palace
28. Hoover Dam
Hoover Dam is a concrete gravity barrier in the Colorado Black Canyon on the border of the American states of Arizona and Nevada. This 220-meter high structure was built between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression.
360 degree panorama: http://www.samrohn.com/360-panorama/hoover-dam-usa/
29. Eiffel Tower
The symbol of Paris and France, the famous Eiffel Tower was originally intended as a temporary structure for the world exhibition. However, it has been left in place and today this 300-meter-high building is one of the most recognizable buildings in the world.
Journey in Arts & Culture: https://artsandculture.google.com/streetview/tour-eiffel/sAHt5Gv4YGH84Q
30. Alhambra in Granada
Alhamba is a castle in Spanish Granada. It is a fortified fortress with 27 towers and includes numerous terraces, gardens and courtyards.
The virtual journey: https://www.alhambradegranada.org/en/info/placesandspots.asp
31. The Capitol of the United States
The seat of the United States Congress and the meeting place of government representatives. Released in 1863 Capitol has 540 rooms.
The Virtual Capitol: https://www.virtually-anywhere.com/portfolio/uscapitol/
32. Pompeii
Pompeii used to be one of the largest cities on the Apennine Peninsula, even distancing Rome in this respect. This city-museum was mostly destroyed in 79 as a result of the volcanic eruption of Vesuvius.
The journey through the ruins: https://www.italyguides.it/en/campania/pompeii
33. Louvre
The National Museum of France, Louvre, consists of two main parts, the New Louvre and the Old Louvre. Its collection contains 380,000 works of art, including the famous "Mona Lisa", "Statue of Venus of Milo" and "Nike of Samothrace".
Visit museum: https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligne
34. Teotihuacan
Located 50 kilometres northeast of Mexico, the complex of Teotihuacan, is an ancient city-imperium, once very large, but has decayed over time.
See the complex: https://www.airpano.com/360photo/Teotihuacan-Mexico/
35. Schonbrunn
The Schonbrunn palace is listed on the World Heritage List, was the summer residence of Empress Sisi.
Panorama: https://www.touristtube.com/Things-to-do-in-Vienna/Schonbrunn-Palace-360
36. Lincoln Mausoleum in Washington
The rectangular mausoleum was built to commemorate Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States.
The 3D view: https://historyview.org/library/lincoln-memorial/
37. The leaning tower of Pisa
With a height of 55 meters The Pisa Tower is more than 4 meters from the vertical. Currently, work is underway to stop the process of continuous tilting of the building.
360-photos: https://www.airpano.com/360photo/Pisa-Tuscany-Central-Italy/
38. The Malbork Castle
Located on an area of 21 hectares The Malbork Castle is the largest castle in the world by area.
The virtual journey: https://muzeumzamkowewmalborku.wkraj.pl/html5/index.php?id=69124
39. Musée d'Orsay in Paris
Although this museum is smaller than the Louvre in terms of the number and reputation of its works, it is still popular with tourists. Every year it is visited by 4 million visitors.
The virtual museum: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/musee-dorsay-paris?hl=en
40. Statue of Liberty
The design of the steel structure of Statuy of Liberty was made by Gustav Eiffel. The structure itself was made in Paris and transported to New York.
A panorama collection: https://www.airpano.com/360photo/Statue-of-Liberty-New-York-USA/
41. Windsor Castle
Located on the River Thames The Windsor Castle is the main non-London residence of English kings. It has served this function for almost nine centuries.
The virtual journey: https://www.royal.uk/virtual-tours-windsor-castle
42. Forbidden City
Forbidden City It is one of the most visited museums in the world, with nearly 17 million tourists visiting it every year.
Watch the city: https://www.youvisit.com/tour/chinatour/100444
43. Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi
In Abu Dhabi an object called "Ferrari World" was created. This amusement park is visited by up to 10,000 people every day and has numerous theatres, simulators, museums, shops and restaurants at its disposal.
View: https://www.virtualworldinternet.com/portfolio/ferrari-world-abu-dhabi
44. Brooklyn Bridge
1834 meters long Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the world. It is also one of the most famous bridges in the world and is used in many movie productions.
The 360-degree view: http://www.samrohn.com/360-panorama/top-of-the-brooklyn-bridge-new-york-city/
45. Neuschwanstein Castle
The Bavarian Knights' Castle, The Neuschwanstein Castle, is located on the ridge of a high rock among the picturesque scenery. It is, therefore, the most recognizable castle in the world.
360-way video: https://www.airpano.com/360video/vr-neuschwanstein/
46. Seetha Amman Temple
The Seetha Amman Temple is a unique temple that was built on the site where Seetha Mata spent her days in Ravana prison about 5000 years ago. It is also unique because it is one of the few temples dedicated to Seeta.
Panoramas: https://www.p4panorama.com/panos/SeethaAmmanTemple/
47. Petra in Jordan
Petra used to be the capital of the Nabatean kingdom, nowadays it is no longer a city, but rather a cemetery, because all that remains of the old buildings is dust or ruins.
Widthrough video: https://www.airpano.com/360video/Video-Petra-Jordan/
48. Big Ben
Big Ben is one of the largest clock towers in the world, with a 13.5-ton bell. It was made in neo-Gothic style and belongs to the Westminster Palace buildings.
Virtual tour: https://edition.cnn.com/2017/03/05/vr/big-ben-london-clock-vr/index.html
49. The Colosseum in Rome
The Roman Colosseum, "Amphitheatre Flavius", is a masterpiece of oval shape. In its giant arena, there used to be bloody gladiatorial fights.
360-photos: https://www.airpano.com/360photo/Italy-Rome-Colosseum/
50. Pena Palace in Sintra
Pena Palace was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. This colorful monument was recognized as one of the seven wonders of Portugal and as the most beautiful palace in the world by European Best Destination magazine.
View: https://www.airpano.com/360photo/Pena-Palace-Portugal/
51. Pyramids of Giza
The famous Pyramids in Giza have almost perfectly mathematical dimensions. To this day, the precision with which they were measured and made is surprising, as it is worth adding that single stones weigh from 2 to even 15 tons.
Panoramas: https://www.airpano.com/360photo/Egypt-Cairo-Pyramids/
52. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi
The name of the building comes from the founder and first president of the UAE, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. It was he who chose the location and had a significant influence on the architecture and design of the mosque. It is also here, as requested by the Sheikh, that the building is the last resting place of the donor of his name, who died in 2004.
The virtual journey: https://www.p4panorama.com/Gallery.aspx/grand-mosque-abu-dhabi-360-virtual-tour/
53. Ashford Castle in Ireland
This magnificent and grand castle from the 13th century is now the site of a five-star hotel. Each of the 83 rooms is individual and modern, but has retained its original features.
View: https://www.virtualvisittours.com/ashford-castle/
54. The Blue Mosque in Istanbul
Built since 1609, the mosque was built by the order of Sultan Ahmed. It is one of the most wonderful examples of the so-called "classical period" of Islamic art in Turkey.
360° pictures: https://www.airpano.com/360photo/Mosques-Istanbul-Turkey/
55. Tikal
Tikal is a Mayan city located in Guatemala, which is estimated to be between 200 and 800 AD. Since 1979 it has been listed as an archaeological site by UNESCO.
Watch the panorama: https://www.airpano.com/360photo/Tikal-Guatemala/
56. Atlantis The Palm in Dubai
This amazing facility was erected on a palm-shaped artificial island, Jumeirah Island in the Arab Sea in Dubai. In addition to exclusive rooms, there is also the largest aquapark in the region with fantastic slides.
Interactive travel: https://www.virtualworldinternet.com/portfolio/atlantis-the-palm-dubai
57. Duomo Cathedral in Milan
The cathedral, also known as The Cathedral of the Birth of St. Mary in Milan is a huge Gothic building. Its size is only inferior to that of the Basilica of Rome.
Pictures: https://www.duomomilano.it/en/photo360/the-duomo-view-of-the-cathedral-from-the-right-nave/38/
58. The Arc de Triomphe in Paris
The Arc de Triomphe stands in Charles de Gaulle Square in Paris. This monument at the end of the Champs-Élysées was created to commemorate those who died for France during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.
The virtual tour: https://www.touristtube.com/Things-to-do-in-Paris/Arc-de-Triomphe-360
59. Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence
"The Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Flowers" in Florence impresses not only with its dimensions (153 meters long and 90 meters wide) but also with a huge dome towering over it weighing 40 thousand tons.
The cathedral from outside and inside: https://www.photojpl.com/santa-maria-del-fiore-cathedral-or-duomo-of-florence-at-night-virtual-tour/-/EtULlL5Tu2/
60. Ogrodzieniec Castle
These majestic ruins are located among huge limestone peaks. Ogrodzieniec Castle was originally built in the 13th and 14th century and then destroyed during the Swedish invasions in the 17th and 18th century.
The 360-degree panorama: http://www.samrohn.com/360-panorama/ogrodzieniec-castle-poland/
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