Transamerica Pyramid
San Francisco, United States

Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco (USA) - 260 meter skyscraper in the shape of a pyramid

Where is located Transamerica Pyramid?

Address of Transamerica Pyramid is 600 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California, USA
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When was built Transamerica Pyramid?

Built date of Transamerica Pyramid is 1969 - 1972

Transamerica Pyramid

Facts, informations and history of Transamerica Pyramid

Transamerica Pyramid is one of the most recognizable buildings in San Francisco. With its slender, soaring silhouette, it stands out from the city and is an inseparable element of the panorama. This building is not only an impressive structure, but also a symbol of technological progress and architectural innovation. In this article, we will take a closer look at the history, technical specifications and interesting facts related to this amazing structure.


The history and design of the Transamerica Pyramid

The Transamerica Pyramid was completed in 1972 as the headquarters of the Transamerica Corporation. The building's design was created by the American architect William Pereira, known for many innovative projects. Pereira, inspired by the futuristic style and the need to make maximum use of space, designed a building with a characteristic shape resembling a pyramid. Although the initial design called for a height of 350.5 meters, it was reduced to 260 meters due to concerns that a taller structure would block the beautiful views of Nob Hill Bay.

Construction of the Transamerica Pyramid took three years and costs approximately $32 million. Since its completion, the building has become one of San Francisco's most iconic landmarks, attracting the attention of both residents and tourists from around the world.


Technical and architectural specifications

Transamerica Pyramid is a building that impresses with both its height and well-thought-out construction. It has 48 floors and is served by 18 elevators. One of the unique elements of this skyscraper are the "wings" located near the top, starting on the 29th floor. These wings perform an important function because elevators cannot move diagonally. There are elevators in the eastern wing, and stairs and a smoke chimney in the western wing.

The interior of the building consists of 3,678 windows that provide natural light and breathtaking views of the city. The building's largest floor is the fifth, at 21,025 square feet, while the smallest, the 48th floor, is only 2,025 square feet.

The building's foundations are equally impressive. Excavations under the building extend to a depth of 52 feet, providing a solid foundation for the entire structure. The tower's soaring top is 64.6 meters (212 feet) high, adding extra slenderness and elegance to the building.


Observatory and views from the Transamerica Pyramid

One of the most fascinating features of the Transamerica Pyramid is its observatory. There are four cameras on the top of the building, positioned in four cardinal directions. These cameras transmit views of the city 24 hours a day, and their images can be viewed on four monitors located in the main hall of the building. Thanks to this, residents and tourists can admire the San Francisco skyline from different perspectives, even without having to climb to the top of the building.

Transamerica Pyramid offers views that will take your breath away. From its top you can see the Golden Gate bridge, Alcatraz island, and many other characteristic points of the city. It's the perfect place for photography enthusiasts and anyone who wants to see San Francisco from a completely new perspective.


Transamerica Pyramid and architecture and technology

The Transamerica Pyramid is not only an icon of San Francisco, but also an example of advanced architecture and technology. The building was designed for maximum efficiency and functionality. Its shape minimizes wind on higher floors, making it more stable and safe.

In addition, Transamerica Pyramid was designed with environmental protection in mind. During its construction, many modern technologies were used, which minimize the impact of the building on the surroundings. In 2011, the building received the LEED Gold certificate, which proves its compliance with the highest ecological standards.


Transamerica Pyramid in popular culture

The Transamerica Pyramid has also become an inseparable element of popular culture. It appears in many films, television series and on postcards and posters promoting San Francisco. Its characteristic shape makes it immediately recognizable and often used as a symbol of the city.

Many artists and creators were inspired by the Transamerica Pyramid in their works. The building appears in films such as "Dirty Harry", "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and in many television series. Its unique architecture and impressive height make it the perfect backdrop for a variety of stories and scenarios.


The significance and legacy of the Transamerica Pyramid

The Transamerica Pyramid is not only an impressive building, but also a symbol of progress, innovation and the future. Since its completion in 1972, the building has become one of San Francisco's most important landmarks and a symbol of the city. Its distinctive shape and advanced technology make it one of the most iconic buildings in the world.

The Transamerica Pyramid is also an example of how architecture can influence a city and its inhabitants. The building has become an integral part of San Francisco's landscape, attracting tourists and residents who want to admire its beauty and innovation. His legacy will last for many years, inspiring future generations of architects and engineers to create extraordinary new structures.



The Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco is one of the most recognizable buildings in the world. Its impressive height, unique architecture and advanced technologies make it a symbol of progress and innovation. Since its completion in 1972, the building has become an integral part of the San Francisco landscape, attracting the attention of residents and tourists alike. His legacy will last for many years, inspiring future generations to create amazing new structures.

Architect of Transamerica Pyramid

Architect of Transamerica Pyramid is William Pereira
William Pereira

How many meters have Transamerica Pyramid?

Height of Transamerica Pyramid is 260 meters

how many meters have Transamerica PyramidScale

Construction/building type

Building Transamerica Pyramid is of type Skyscraper, Office building

Architectural style

Architectural style of Transamerica Pyramid is Brutalist

Brutalism is an architectural style that emerged in Europe and North America in the 1950s and 1960s. It is characterized by a raw, industrial look of buildings that are made of concrete, steel and glass. Brutalism took inspiration from modernism but opposed its luxurious and modern aesthetics by focusing on the stark, austere appearance of buildings. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Transamerica Pyramid

What area have Transamerica Pyramid?

Transamerica Pyramid have area of 49 238 m²

What material is the building made of?

Transamerica Pyramid is made of the following materials: steel


Build cost of Transamerica Pyramid is $32 million

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

Comments to Transamerica Pyramid (15) Average rating: 4,0 Add comment    /    Rate building

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Based on 15 comments
13 years ago
Ostatni podpunkt ciekawostek zawiera babola - Nob Hill to nie zatoka, która byłaby zasłonięta, tylko budynek zasłoniłby mieszkańcom Nob Hill widok na zatokę ;)
17 years ago
W grze Gta San Andreas ma ok.280 metrów i 60 pięter+parter(pewnie hol)+tam gdzie was przenoszą jak wejdzie sie w drzwi na dole.Ale położony jest ok.40 metrów nad poziomem morza
18 years ago
A ja w gta SAN ANDREAS mam WTC 110 piętrowe i skacze sie jeszcze lepiej :)
18 years ago
fajnie sie z niej skacze w grze GTA SAN ANDREAS!!! Byłam tam w wakacje!!!! oczywiście na żywo a nie w grze!!! Jest Super!!! Pozdro Dla Paczki
19 years ago
Nio taka se ta wierzyczka widziałem leosze
19 years ago
a mi sie podoba ta zielona wieżyczka, ma chociaz styl
19 years ago
I choć nazywa się to piramida to o nie widzę kształty...ale inaczej podoba mi się.....=0> .....Moze kiedys sie tam wybiorę....=0>
Karolina 15
Karolina 15
20 years ago
interesujący kształt ma ten wieżowiec??? a wy jak uwarzacie???
20 years ago
Zapewne to fajna wieża, niezla naprawde:)Chcialabym ja zobaczyc:)
20 years ago
faraonów chyba nie beda w bniej chowac
20 years ago
Zachwycił mnei ten budynek :) podoba mi się jego oryginalność i wykonanie, jest jedyny w swoim rodzaju, chciałabym kiedyś zobaczyć go na własne oczy albo tam zamieszkać :)
20 years ago
HIGHLANDER! Czy jest jakaś budowla na tej stronie której byś nie opisał!? Czy jest jakiś budynek który ci nie przypomina wieżowca JHC!? Czy jest jakiś budynek który nie jest według ciebie THE BEST!?!!! Co za gość
20 years ago
szczególne miasto, szczególny wieżowiec, jak na Frisco przystało - mi osoboście jest to najpiękniejszy i najklimatyczniejszy budynek w Stanach (swego czasu interesowałem się nim i wiedziałem o nim niemalże wszystko), ktoś powiedział kiedyś "San Francisco to najbardziej europejskie z amerykańskich miast" i to odbije się w architekturze
21 years ago
San Francisco oraz Nowy Jork to najpiękniejsze miasta na ziemi!Byłam tam dwa razy i nigdy nie zapomnę wrażenia jakie na mnie zrobiły!Z nostalgią wracam wspomnieniami do tych miejsc które widziałam a Transamerica Pyramid to symbol San Francisco i uosobienie pikna! I LOVE SAN FRANCISCO!
21 years ago

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