Tower of London
London, United Kingdom

Tower of London (England) - castle, fortress

Where is located Tower of London?

Address of Tower of London is London, England
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When was built Tower of London?

Built date of Tower of London is Years 1070-1090

Tower of London

Facts, informations and history of Tower of London

Tower of London, or the London Fortress, is undoubtedly one of the most impressive buildings in this city. Its height reaches 28 meters (92 feet), and the wall thickness is 3.6 m.

The castle is surrounded by several rows of walls with several towers and a moat.

From William the Conqueror to James I (1603 - 1625) this stronghold was the seat of English kings.

This is where the first observatory, treasury, mint, arsenal of weapons and even a zoo were established.

The oldest part of the fortress is the White Tower, which houses the royal arsenal of weapons. The treasury - Jewel House, where the collection of crown jewels is located, enjoys great popularity among visitors. Tower Green is a place of execution in the past. Black granite slabs commemorate the place where the scaffold stood. Only kings were cut down here, in Tower Hill - aristocrats, and in Marble Arch - ordinary citizens. Next to Tower Hill there is Tower Bridge - probably the most famous bridge in Europe.

How many meters have Tower of London?

Height of Tower of London is 28 meters

how many meters have Tower of LondonScale

Construction/building type

Building Tower of London is of type Castle, Fortress, Prison

Architectural style

Architectural style of Tower of London is Medieval English

What material is the building made of?

Tower of London is made of the following materials: Stone

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

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19 years ago
Tego właśnie do szkoły potrzebowałam!!!!!!Dzięki:-)
19 years ago
19 years ago
19 years ago
eeee.... taka sobie... słabe zdjątka!!
19 years ago
Byłam w Tower of London, więc wiem... że jest piękna!!! Ludzie, serio polecam!!! Jeśli kiedyś będziecie w GB musicie ją zobaczyć!!!
19 years ago
slabe rysnki
20 years ago
20 years ago
20 years ago
Szkoda - jak juz pisalem, ze nie macie barok z Polski, n.p. Palac Branickich z Bialegostoku, Rogalin, Pulawy, Wilanow lub Zamek na Wawelu. Jakos mi sie wydaje, ze oprocz Warszawy - ktora owszem i niewatpliwie ma swoje walory, jak i tez fajne barokowe i klasystyczne palace - nie uwzgledniliscie innych polskich miast. Szkoda.

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