Statfjord B Platform

Statfjord B Platform (Norway) - oli platform on North Sea

Where is located Statfjord B Platform?

Address of Statfjord B Platform is North Sea, Norway
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When was built Statfjord B Platform?

Built date of Statfjord B Platform is 1978 - 1981

Statfjord B Platform

Facts, informations and history of Statfjord B Platform

The Statfjord B platform is one of the most impressive and key pieces of mining infrastructure in the North Sea. Located 200 kilometers west of the coast of Norway, it is part of the huge Statfjord oil and gas field, which is the world's largest underwater oil and gas field. This complex also includes the Statfjord A and Statfjord C platforms. In this article, we will take a closer look at the extraordinary structure of Statfjord B, its history, importance and interesting facts related to its operation.


Construction and structure of Statfjord B

The Statfjord B platform is a gigantic structure weighing 890,000 tons. In 1992, it was the heaviest moving structure ever built. It is a true engineering masterpiece that required incredible precision and advanced technology to create.

The base of the platform consists of 24 reinforced concrete cylinders. Four of these cylinders act as supporting legs, which are hollow and made of concrete. The remaining twenty cylinders act as oil storage facilities, which makes the platform not only a production center, but also a storage center. This solution allows for effective and safe storage of huge amounts of raw material without the need to immediately transport it to land.

The Statfjord B platform, with a height of approximately 270 meters, exceeds the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, which measures 237 meters, mainly because most of its structure is underwater in the North Sea.


Living and working on the platform

The crew of the Statfjord B platform consists of 204 people who work in shifts, ensuring continuity of mining and maintenance of the facility. Despite the harsh working conditions on the open sea, employees are provided with a variety of facilities to ensure their comfort and safety.

On board the platform there are not only mining equipment, but also a hotel and a helicopter landing pad. The latter is particularly important because helicopters are the main means of transport for crew and supplies. The hotel on the platform offers the necessary social facilities, including rooms, a canteen and recreation areas, which helps maintain the morale and good mental condition of employees.


Mining history and economic success

Oil extraction on the Statfjord B platform began on November 5, 1982. It was a great success from the very beginning. So great that the costs of building the platform were paid off within a year. This extraordinary rate of return on investment highlights how profitable and well-planned the work related to the launch of this platform was.

The platform has tanks for 2 million barrels of oil, and the equipment is designed to extract 250,000 barrels of oil and 6 million cubic meters of gas per day. Such opportunities make Statfjord B play a key role in ensuring the supply of energy raw materials not only for Norway, but also for other European countries.


Records and importance of the platform

The Statfjord oil and gas field, which includes the Statfjord B platform, reached its peak on January 16, 1987. In one day, 850,204 barrels of oil were extracted there, which is an admirable result and proves the incredible efficiency of the entire system.

The Statfjord B platform, together with the Statfjord A and Statfjord C platforms, forms a complex mining system that can meet the enormous challenges associated with large-scale exploitation of natural resources. Thanks to advanced technology and well-thought-out design, these platforms are able to operate effectively and safely for many years.


Curiosities related to the Statfjord B platform

It is impossible to omit some interesting facts related to the Statfjord B platform. First of all, its construction was a real logistic and technological challenge. This process required the involvement of many specialists from various fields, from engineering to project management.

Another interesting fact is that the platform not only extracts oil and gas, but also serves as a storage facility. Thanks to this, it can store oil directly in reinforced concrete cylinders, which eliminates the need to immediately transport the raw material to land. This innovative solution significantly increases the efficiency of the entire mining process.

It is also worth mentioning the ecological aspect of the platform's activities. Despite the huge amounts of oil and gas produced, the operators of Statfjord B make every effort to minimize the impact on the natural environment. Modern technologies and procedures are used to reduce emissions and prevent leakage of raw materials into the sea.


Challenges and the future of the platform

Although the Statfjord B platform has been operating for many years, it constantly faces new challenges. One of the most important is the aging of the infrastructure and the need to modernize it. To maintain a high level of efficiency and safety, maintenance and modernization works are carried out regularly to extend the life of the platform.

Another challenge is the changing market for energy raw materials and the growing requirements related to environmental protection. Platform operators must adapt to new regulations and standards, which requires continuous investment in new technologies and crew training.

However, the future of the Statfjord B platform looks bright. Thanks to advanced technology and experience gained over years of operation, this platform will continue to play a key role in oil and gas production in the North Sea. Cooperation with other platforms and constant innovation will allow it to maintain a leading position in the oil and gas industry.


The importance of the platform for Norway and the world

The Statfjord B platform is of great importance not only for Norway, but also for the whole world. It is a source of valuable energy raw materials that are necessary for the functioning of many economies. Thanks to oil and gas extraction, Norway has become one of the key players in the global energy market, which brings both economic and political benefits.

The platform's activities also contribute to job creation and technological development. The innovative solutions used on Statfjord B are often used as models for other projects around the world, which shows how important a role this platform plays in the global oil and gas industry.



The Statfjord B platform is not only an impressive engineering structure, but also a key element of the energy infrastructure in the North Sea. Its construction and operation are proof of incredible technological achievements and the ability to meet the greatest challenges. Thanks to advanced technology, employee commitment and innovative solutions, this platform plays a key role in oil and gas extraction, contributing to Norway's economic development and ensuring supplies of energy raw materials for many countries.

How many meters have Statfjord B Platform?

Height of Statfjord B Platform is 271 meters
122 m - above the water level
149 m - under the water level

how many meters have Statfjord B PlatformScale

Construction/building type

Building Statfjord B Platform is of type The mining platform, Oil rig

What material is the building made of?

Statfjord B Platform is made of the following materials: Concrete, reinforced concrete, steel


Build cost of Statfjord B Platform is $ 1,840,000,000

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

Comments to Statfjord B Platform (123) Average rating: 4,0 Add comment    /    Rate building

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3 years ago
Zapomnialem dodac, ze w gre wchodzi rowniez praca w innych zawodach na platformach jesli potencjalny pracodawca bylby zainteresowany zoorganizowaniem szkolen dla nowych pracownikow. jestem otwarty na propozycje.
3 years ago
Witam .Jestem II monterem rusztowan przemyslowych typu layher. Znam rowniez system haki, cuplock oraz rusztowania rurowe, jednak najwieksze doswiadczenie posiadam z systemem layher. 3 lata doswiadczenia w zawodzie miedzy innymi w Norwegii, Niemczech oraz na projektach przemyslowych w Belgii i Holandii. Posiadam Norweskie uprawnienia montera rusztowan. Planuje zrobic BOSIET jednak w obliczu pandemii chcialbym sie najpierw zorientowac jaka jest realna szansa dostania sie na takie projekty i jakie jeszcze uprawnienia badz certyfikaty procz papierow montera i BOSIET trzeba miec zeby dostac sie na tego typu projekty. Angielski poziom b3 takze komunikacja bezproblemowa. 31 lat w pelni sprawny, bez nalogow.
4 years ago
Witam.Jestem z zawodu spawaczem z aktualnymi uprawnieniami 135,141.Biegle posluguje sie jezykiem angielskim,ukonczylem Energy Academy w Newcastle.Posiadam certyfikaty IRATA oraz OPITO OFFSHORE.Szukam pracy na platformie.wiek 39 lat,stan fizyczny bardzo dobry.prosze o kontakt
5 years ago
Witam. Poszukuję pracy na Platformie Wiertniczej jako Piekarz mam ukonczoną szkołe w tym zawodzie i doświadczenie. Mój e-meil;
Panie Walter
Panie Walter
5 years ago
Potrzebujesz pomocy finansowej, pożyczek? Jeśli tak, napisz więcej informacji E-mail: Numer WhatsApp: + 1- (802) -327-3165 podziękować Panie Walter
Barbara Nowacka
Barbara Nowacka
6 years ago
Hello. Please, contact us on the north sea of uk station located off the coast of England. Looking for a person there in a very urgent matter, he takes the position of an engineer and is called Raymond Johnson and comes from Los Angeles.
6 years ago
Hello. Is current?
7 years ago
Witam próbuję dostac prace na Rafinerii w norwegii czy jest ktoś w stanie mi pomóc? Mam 25 lat Jestem zdrowy silny fizycznie jak i psychicznie. Znam angielski komunikatywnie(nie jest on perfekcyjny jak w dniach kiedy sie uczyłem) dalej sie nim posługuje. Nie posiadam lenku wysokości, W obecniej pracy jestem spawaczem. Mig/Mag (czekam na uprawnienia, jeżeli mi je dadza na papierze) Prosze o kontakt telefoniczy .603190572
Stefan Kubacki
Stefan Kubacki
9 years ago
Witam Państwa Poszukuję pracy najlepiej w Norwegii w zawodzie operatora spycharek 20 letnie doświadczenie na spycharkach Pozdrawiam Stefan
rafał florczak
rafał florczak
10 years ago
jestem hydraulikiem mam doświadczenie i firmę szukam pracy lub zleceń proszę o kontakt 690347813
11 years ago
witam was jak czytam tu nigdzie nie ma namiaru jak sie dostac do tej pracy na platworme dalby ktos jakis namiar co bylbym bardzo wdzieczny wam
Tola [http://#89]
11 years ago
Witam Kasiu.Oczywiście wiara w siebie ale jak od kilku lat nic nie wychodzi to można się załamać.Chciała bym napisać do ciebie na priv jeżeli można,proszę o kontakt
11 years ago
Witam Poszukuje pracy w Norwegi jako spawacz termitowy szyn kolejowych. Mam 1,4 dośw. w tym zawodzie, pracowałem w Niemczech. Mam kurs na spawacza termitowego. Prawo jazdy kat. B i C, oraz karta kierowcy aktualne. Chętnie podejmę też każdej pracy na platformie wiertniczej. Niemiecki dobry, j.angielski podstawowy. proszę o kontakt 886 175 919
11 years ago
Szukam pracy w charakterze pracownika fizycznego na platformie wiertniczej. tel 669211218.
11 years ago
szukam pracy na platformach za pomoc w znalezieniu odwdzięcze sie moj nr 795671348
12 years ago
Witam . Szukam pracy jako monter rusztowan w Norwegii . Posiadam & 46c, 10cio letnie doswiadczenie w zawodzie oraz norweski numer podatkowy. Za pomoc w załatwieniu kontaktu, odwdziecze sie , 0048 882722762
Dariusz Maksym
Dariusz Maksym
12 years ago
Pracowałem wiele lat przy budowie elektrownii atomowej w Finlandii Olkiluoto jakp spawacz. Posiadam kilkunastoletnie doświdczenia jako spawacz z certyfikatami 111,135, 136, 138, 141. Pilnie poszukuję pracy w swoim zawodzie na platformach wiertniczych. Mam 41 lat, znam postawowy język angielski i niemiecki oraz średnio rosyjski.
12 years ago
czy ktoś potrafi dać mi namiar by załatwić prace na platformie wiertniczej mam40 lat znam angielski i włoski mój zawód to mechanik maszyn i urządzeń przemysłowych ślusarz
12 years ago
Witam seredcznie poszukuja jakiej kolwiek pracy za granicą mam doswiadczenie jako piaskarz malarz oraz doswiadczenie na platformie wiertniczej w dani merks oil. proszę o kontakt meilowy lub telefoniczny 788 953 810
13 years ago
Witam! Szukam pracy na platformie wiertniczej. Dobrze znam J. angielski. Proszę o kontakt pod numerem 781336275. Posiadam aktualne certyfikaty na 111, 136.
13 years ago
Witam! Szukam pracy na platformie wiertniczej. Dobrze znam J. angielski. Prosze o kontakt pod numerem 048721397792
Wojcik Piotr
Wojcik Piotr
13 years ago
Witam chcialbym podjac prace na Platformie wiertniczej w Norwegi lub w Filandi posiadam uprawnienia spawalnicze akt.......Mam 33 lata i doswiadczenie w pracy kilkuletnie prosze o kontakt 696731693
14 years ago
szukam prace na platformie w Norwegi jestem operatorem dżwigów wieżowych 20 lat doświadczenia mam uprawnienia na wszystkie typy żurawi proszę o pomoc kontakt 506267763
14 years ago
witam jakie wogóle sa szazansę na PW osbiście znalazłej jakiś nr tel chyba do pośrednika gdzie każe sobie zapłacic za jakieś dokumenty które wyśle do mnie i podejrzewam że to jakaś ściema proszę o odpowiedz konkretna osobe która tam pracuje juz jakiś czas bo opinie sa zrużnicowane proszę oszybki kontakt na e-meil z góry bardzo dziękuję jak każdy szukam dobrej pracy gdyż dobija mnie ta nasza polska gospodarka pozdrawiam
14 years ago
szukam pracy na platwormie jako pracownik wysokościowy lub budowlany mam wszystkie potrzebne badania i uprawnienia przetłumaczone na ang.mam 27 lat jeśli macie jakieś namiary to proszę o kontakt

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