St Paul's Cathedral
London, United Kingdom

St Paul's Cathedral in London (England) - the seat of the Bishop of London

Where is located St Paul's Cathedral?

Address of St Paul's Cathedral is Lidgate Hill, City, London, Great Britain
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When was built St Paul's Cathedral?

Built date of St Paul's Cathedral is 1675 - 1710

St Paul's Cathedral

Facts, informations and history of St Paul's Cathedral

St. Cathedral Paul in London, a majestic building dominating the skyline of the British capital, is not only the seat of the Bishop of London, but also the spiritual and cultural center of the City district. This monumental cathedral, the third largest church in the world, is second only to St. Peter in Rome and the underground cathedral in Lourdes. Its architectural perfection and rich history make it a place worth visiting and getting to know better.


History of the Cathedral: from destruction to reconstruction

Before the current St. Cathedral Paul rose above London, on a small hill, Ludgate Hill, there was another church, which was devastated by unknown perpetrators in 1650. The remains of this church burned down during the Great Fire of London in 1666. Construction of the new temple began nine years later, in 1675, under the watchful eye of the outstanding architect Sir Christopher Wren. Work on the construction of the cathedral took as long as 35 years, and the construction was completed in 1710. The temple was consecrated a year later, in 1711.


An architectural masterpiece: the work of Sir Christopher Wren

Sir Christopher Wren is one of the most important names in the history of London architecture. His achievements include approximately 50 buildings in the British capital, most of them churches. St. Cathedral Paul's Church, which is his most important work, is an example of architectural genius and precision. Wren supervised the construction of the cathedral from the windows of his house on the opposite bank of the Thames, taking care of every detail of this monumental structure.


Impressive dimensions and extraordinary details

St. Cathedral Paweł is overwhelmed by its size. The length of the main nave is 146 meters, and the height to the top of the cross is an impressive 110 meters. The cathedral's dome, the second tallest in the world, is one of London's most important landmarks. At its base there is an observation gallery from which you can admire a breathtaking panorama of the city.

The interior of the cathedral is as stunning as its exterior. The dome and the entire interior are decorated with frescoes by Sir James Thornhill, which present the life story of Saint. Paul. The sculptures and other decorations inside the cathedral are the work of the outstanding artist Grilling Gibbons. Every detail of the cathedral's interior was carefully planned to pay tribute to Saint. Paul and emphasize the spiritual dimension of this place.


The resting place of great figures

St. Cathedral Paul's is not only a place of prayer, but also the resting place of many outstanding personalities. After his death, Sir Christopher Wren was buried in this cathedral, which is a sign of recognition of his services to the city. The cathedral also houses the tomb of Lord Admiral Horatio Nelson, one of the most important figures in British history. In total, there are several dozen graves in the cathedral, which gives this place even greater historical importance.


Historical and contemporary events

St. Cathedral Paul witnessed many important historical events. In 1981, it was here that the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana took place, which attracted the attention of the media and viewers from all over the world. This event further emphasized the importance of the cathedral as a place of great prestige and symbolism.


Paternoster Square: an oasis of peace

Right next to the cathedral there is Paternoster Square, which is a perfect place to rest and reflect. Its decoration is a sculpture of a shepherd surrounded by a flock of sheep, by Elizabeth Frink. This charming corner of London is the perfect place to sit back for a while, relax and admire the beauty of the architecture of St. Stephen's Cathedral. Paul.


St. Cathedral Paul today

Today the cathedral of St. Paul still serves as London's spiritual center. It is a place of regular services, concerts and cultural events. It attracts tourists not only with its impressive architecture, but also with its rich history and spirit that can be felt in its interiors. When visiting the cathedral, it is worth taking time to reflect on its extraordinary history and importance for London and the world.



St. Cathedral Paul in London is a place that every history and architecture lover should visit. Its majestic size, rich history and spiritual significance make it one of the most important cathedrals in the world. Since its construction in the 17th century, St. Peter's Cathedral St. Paul's witnessed many important events and still plays a key role in the life of London. Thanks to the work of Sir Christopher Wren and many other outstanding artists, St. Peter's Cathedral Paul remains one of the most important symbols of the British capital.

St. Cathedral Paul's is not just a building, but a real heritage that has survived centuries. It is a place that delights, inspires and provokes reflection. It is worth visiting this extraordinary temple to feel its atmosphere and appreciate the beauty hidden in every detail of its architecture.

Architect of St Paul's Cathedral

Architect of St Paul's Cathedral is Sir. Christopher Wren

How many meters have St Paul's Cathedral?

Height of St Paul's Cathedral is 110 m

how many meters have St Paul's CathedralScale

Construction/building type

Building St Paul's Cathedral is of type Cathedral

The cathedral is one of the most important religious buildings in Christian architecture. It is characterised by its imposing size, majestic appearance and rich internal decoration. Here is some information about cathedral architecture, the precursors and the most popular buildings of this type.... czytaj więcej.

Architectural style

Architectural style of St Paul's Cathedral is Baroque

Baroque is one of the most important architectural styles that developed in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. It was characterised by grandeur, sumptuous detailing, symmetry and lighting effects. Below, I provide information on the precursors, key features and some well-known buildings in the Baroque style. ... czytaj więcej.

What material is the building made of?

St Paul's Cathedral is made of the following materials: Stone, marble

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. St. Paul's Cathedral (Ang.)

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

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16 years ago
To jest jedna ze wspanialszych budowli londyńskich i najpiękniejsza świątynia w jakiej byłem
17 years ago
Uuu...Troche mało tych informacji... A ja lubie Częstochowe;)
18 years ago
właśnie tego potrzebowałam. jadę do Anglii i mam zrobbić gazetkę o tej katedrze. :*
18 years ago
Byłam w Londynie ( prawie w swoje 15 urodzinki- prezent od rodziców) i nic nie wywarło na mnie takiego wrażenia jak ta katedra. Ma w sobie taki mały ognik tajemnicy... coś wspaniałego. Czułam sie jakbym była z tą katedrą bardzo związana...
18 years ago
Byłam w Londynie ( prawie w swoje 15 urodzinki- prezent od rodziców) i nic nie wywarło na mnie takiego wrażenia jak ta katedra. Ma w sobie taki mały ognik tajemnicy... coś wspaniałego. Czułam sie jakbym była z tą katedrą bardzo związana...
18 years ago
lodyn to jedna wielka wiocha pozdrowionka NYC
18 years ago
ta stona jest suuuuuuupeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr
19 years ago
nie chce mi się pisac zdrukuj mi a bendzie dobrze
19 years ago
Londyn jest rzecudowny i nie da się tago opisać słowami to po prostu trzeba zobaczyć! byłam w Londynie i wiem znowu jADe na wakacje ;P i mam nadzieję że będzie ponownie super!!! a ta budowla jest śliczna!!!
19 years ago
nie no za.....sta stronqa musz cos napisac o katedrze sw pawla mam nadzieje ze dostane dobra ocene pozdro dla kazdego kto wchodzi na ta strone ;p :)
19 years ago
20 years ago
jaaa...tu dawno nikt nie wchodził widze:P hehe, ja szukam na gegre o katedrze, pa!! pozdro 4 all:)
20 years ago
widok jeszcze lepszy niż z london eye!!
20 years ago
ten kosciol to cudenko bylam i polecam;)
20 years ago
zaj##### strona i budwla dzieki niej dostalem dobra ocene bo pisalem na jej temat!!!!:-)dzieki

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