Paris, France

Sacré-Coeur in Paris (France) - basilica on top of Montmartre

Where is located Sacré-Coeur?

Address of Sacré-Coeur is 35, rue du Chevalier de la Barre 75 018, Paris, France
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When was built Sacré-Coeur?

Built date of Sacré-Coeur is Years 1875-1919


Facts, informations and history of Sacré-Coeur

Sacré-Coeur, also known as Basilica of the Sacred Heart, is one of the most characteristic and iconic buildings in Paris. Perched on the top of Montmartre hill, it attracts millions of tourists and pilgrims from all over the world. But what really makes this white basilica so special? Let's delve into its history, architecture and significance to understand its uniqueness.


History of Sacre-Coeur

The history of Sacré-Coeur dates back to a turbulent period in the history of France. In 1870, after the defeat of France in the war with Prussia and the fall of Paris, the country was in a state of chaos. In 1872, the Archbishop of Paris, fulfilling the request of a resident of the city, Mr. Legentil, decided to build a sanctuary dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was a symbolic action aimed at lifting the nation's spirit and restoring faith in a better tomorrow.


Design competition and construction challenges

The National Assembly announced a competition for the design of a new basilica, for which 78 works were submitted. The winner was Paul Abadie, an architect already known for building two cathedrals in France. Its design, modeled on the St. Cathedral The front in Périgueux stood out not only for its aesthetics, but also for its functionality and symbolism.

The construction of Sacré-Coeur began in 1875 and lasted until 1914, although it was officially completed only after the end of World War I. The challenges the builders faced were enormous. The basilica was built on 33-meter-high pillars to balance the unstable foundation of the Montmartre hill. As a result, the building is not only majestic, but also an engineering marvel of its time.


Architecture and Interior of the Basilica

Sacré-Coeur is distinguished by its white domes, which reach 79 meters and are visible from almost every corner of Paris. This is why the basilica is, right after the Eiffel Tower, the highest point in the city. The external architecture of Sacré-Coeur, inspired by the Roman-Byzantine style, attracts attention with its simplicity and elegance. In front of the temple there are statues of Joan of Arc and King Saint Louis, two figures extremely important for French history and culture.


Interior of the basilica

The interior of the basilica is as impressive as its exterior. Beautifully decorated mosaics, designed by Luc-Olivier Merson, decorate the interior and give it a unique character. The largest mosaic shows Christ with outstretched arms and is one of the largest in the world.

One of the most impressive elements of the basilica is the Savoyarde' bell. It weighs as much as 19 tons and is one of the heaviest bells in the world. This bell, a gift from the Savoy region, symbolizes the unity and strength of the French nation.


Meaning and Symbolism of Sacré-Coeur

Sacré-Coeur is not only a tourist attraction, but above all an important place of pilgrimage. Every year, thousands of believers come here to pray and pay homage to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Ephrem Hotel, adjacent to the basilica, offers accommodation for pilgrims who can book rooms there for the duration of their stay.

The construction of Sacré-Coeur was a response to the misfortunes that befell France at the end of the 19th century. The basilica is a symbol of recovery after the defeat in the Franco-Prussian War and the Civil War. For many French people, it is a symbol of hope and rebirth, a reminder of the values ​​that form the foundations of their society.

You cannot miss the wonderful view from the top of the Sacré-Coeur dome. The panorama of Paris, visible from a distance of 30 km in each direction, is a real feast for the eyes. For tourists and residents of Paris, this view is not only a visual attraction, but also a spiritual experience that allows you to look at the city from a different perspective.


Interesting facts about Sacré-Coeur

An interesting fact is that the white domes of the basilica owe their color to a special type of stone - travertine, which has the ability to clean itself during rain. Thanks to this, Sacré-Coeur always looks fresh and impressive, regardless of weather conditions.

During the construction of the basilica, workers had to face various difficulties, including the unstable ground of the Montmartre hill. To prevent the structure from collapsing, the foundations of the basilica were placed on 83 pillars that penetrate deep into the ground. It was quite a challenge, but thanks to it Sacré-Coeur remains stable to this day.

The Ephrem hotel adjacent to the basilica is a special place for pilgrims. It is a place where they can rest, pray and recharge their spiritual batteries before continuing their journey. The hotel offers simple but comfortable accommodation, perfect for those who want to spend more time in this holy place.


Sacré-Coeur in culture and films

Montmartre, the district where Sacré-Coeur is located, has always been a mecca for artists. It was here that such masters as Vincent van Gogh, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec and Pablo Picasso created. The basilica, with its majestic silhouette, was and still is an inspiration for many artists, both painters, writers and filmmakers.

Sacré-Coeur appears in many films and books, often as a symbol of romantic Paris. In films such as "Amélie" or "Midnight in Paris", the basilica serves as a backdrop for magical and emotional scenes, emphasizing the unique character of the city of love. It is worth mentioning that the basilica also appears in the film "John Wick: Chapter 4", where its majestic silhouette is the setting for dramatic events.


The importance of Sacré-Coeur today

Today, Sacré-Coeur is not only a place of religious worship, but also a space for various cultural and social events. Concerts, exhibitions and festivals take place here, attracting both residents and tourists. It is a place where history meets modernity, and spirituality meets culture.

Sacré-Coeur is one of the most visited places in Paris. Tourists are attracted not only by the architecture and views, but also by the spiritual atmosphere that makes each visit to the basilica an unforgettable experience. Pilgrims from all over the world come here to find peace and recharge their spiritual batteries.



Sacré-Coeur is more than just a beautiful building - it is a symbol of hope, rebirth and unity for the French people. Its majestic architecture, rich interior and extraordinary history attract millions of people from all over the world. Whether you are a tourist, pilgrim or artist, Sacré-Coeur has something unique to offer. It is worth visiting this place to feel its unique atmosphere and understand why it is so important to Paris and France.

Architect of Sacré-Coeur

Architect of Sacré-Coeur is Paul Abadie
Paul Abadie

How many meters have Sacré-Coeur?

Height of Sacré-Coeur is 79 meters

how many meters have Sacré-CoeurScale

Construction/building type

Building Sacré-Coeur is of type Basilica, Church

A basilica is a specific architectural type of sacred buildings, often ecclesiastical. Originally, the term 'basilica' referred to buildings used for judicial or commercial purposes in ancient Rome, but was later adopted by the Catholic Church and became a term to describe important churches with a specific plan layout.... czytaj więcej.

Architectural style

Architectural style of Sacré-Coeur is Byzantine

The Byzantine architectural style is one of the most important and enduring architectural styles in history, having its origins in the Byzantine Empire that existed in Eastern Europe and Asia Minor from the 5th century to the 15th century. ... czytaj więcej.

What material is the building made of?

Sacré-Coeur is made of the following materials: Stone


Build cost of Sacré-Coeur is 40 million francs

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Kościół Njaświętszego Serca Jezusowego

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

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2 years ago
Zwiedziłam świątynie przepiękna widok na Paryż wspaniały
16 years ago
fajny budynek paris jest super
18 years ago
Miałem przyjemność widzenia tej budowli na własne oczy, budzi zachwyt i jest to monumentalna budowla gurująca nad Paryżem.
18 years ago
wow wow BEZ-NA-DZIEJ-NE,nie przyda mi sie
18 years ago
nawet nawet nie najgorzejjjjjjjjjjj
18 years ago
całkiem ciekawe ale za mało!! mozesz sie postarac bardziej?
18 years ago
Mi również bardzo się to przydało! DZIĘKI!!!
18 years ago
Bardzo fajny tekst przydał Mi się bardzo dzięki:)
18 years ago
Bardzo mi się ten tekst przydał, dzięki Ci stronko kochana ;)
19 years ago
kol place you have if you can read in english then email me at (gymnastics_hottie_baby@hotmail. com)
19 years ago
Nie! Jaki bizantyjski! Zaraz się popłacze ;(
19 years ago
a noca jak ja podświetlą... można sobie przysiąść na schodkach nieco nizej i stamtad podziwiać wieczorny Paryż... ech:)
19 years ago
śliczne miejsce naprawde warto zobaczyć!!!!!
19 years ago
Zdjęcia są bardzo ładne....a tekst przydał mi się bardzo do pracy dodatkowej z franca... :) jeszcze raz zdjęcia są bardzo ładne... :D
20 years ago
te wasze obrzki sa superowskie tak jak ich opisy. Chętnie skożystałem z waszej oferty i za to wam dziękuje!
21 years ago
Bylem tam. Ale kicz! Pomieszany plagiat bez gustu!
21 years ago
pan Paul Abadie był jedynie konserwatorem katedr w Périgueux i Angouléme.(niezbyt szcześliwie dla tych budynków. w pierwszym usunął pierwotne dachy nad kopułami a w innej calkowicie przebudowal prezbiterium - niezgodnie z historią i niepotszebnie - zdewastowal romański monument )
Chani Atryda
Chani Atryda
21 years ago
bardzo ładne^^
Chani Atryda
Chani Atryda
21 years ago
bardzo ładne^^

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