Athens, Greece

Parthenon in Athens (Greece) - ancient temple on Acropol

Where is located Parthenon?

Address of Parthenon is Acropol, Athens, Greece
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When was built Parthenon?

Built date of Parthenon is 477 BC - 438 BC


Facts, informations and history of Parthenon

The Parthenon, the temple in honor of Athena Parthenos, is not only a masterpiece of classical architecture, but also a symbol of history, art and religion. This impressive building rises on the Acropolis of Athens, towering over the city and reminding of its former splendor. The Acropolis, a rocky hill in the heart of Athens, is one of the most important archaeological complexes in the world. In this article, we will take a closer look at this amazing building, its history, architecture and curiosities that have made the Parthenon fascinate people around the world for centuries.


Architecture and dimensions of the Parthenon

The Parthenon, one of the most perfect examples of classical architecture, was built between 447-432 BC. by order of Pericles, leader of Athens. The temple has impressive dimensions: the length of the building is 69.5 meters and its width is 30.9 meters. The central point of the Parthenon was a cell containing a huge statue of Athena Parthenos made of gold and ivory. There was a peristyle around the cell, i.e. an external colonnade consisting of 46 columns.

Each of these columns was 1.9 meters in diameter and 10.4 meters high. These columns were made of marble, as were the pediments and entablatures supported on them. Interestingly, the structure of the temple was an extension of the style of simple wooden structures, and the roof of the Parthenon was wooden, which was an interesting combination of modern (for those times) construction techniques with traditional materials.


History and importance of the Parthenon

The Parthenon was not just a temple. Over the centuries, it has performed various functions that significantly influenced its history and state of preservation. In the 6th century AD, when Christianity began to dominate the region, the Parthenon was transformed into a Christian church. This was one of the first major changes in its history. From 1204, the temple served as a Latin church, which lasted until 1458, when the Turkish conquerors turned the Parthenon into a mosque. Each of these changes left its traces on the building, enriching it with new elements and changing its function.

However, regardless of its function, the Parthenon has always remained a unique place, full of spiritual meaning and artistic beauty. Its history reflects the turbulent history of Athens and Greece as a whole, showing how the religions and cultures that influenced the region changed.


Interesting facts about the Parthenon

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Parthenon is its sculptures. The temple was not only a place of worship, but also a kind of art gallery. Rich decorations, reliefs and figures that decorated its interior and external facades testify to the extraordinary skills of artists of that period. Particularly noteworthy are the metopes, i.e. bas-reliefs depicting mythological scenes, and the frieze that surrounded the upper part of the temple, depicting the Panathenaic procession.

It is also worth mentioning that the Parthenon, although damaged by time and war, still stands as a symbol of strength and beauty. In 1687, during the Venetian-Turkish war, the building was seriously damaged when an ammunition warehouse exploded there. Despite this, we can still admire its majestic ruins, which still delight tourists and researchers.

An also interesting fact is that the design of the Parthenon contains subtle curves and asymmetries that were intended to correct optical illusions. For example, the columns are not perfectly straight, but slightly bent outwards, which was intended to give the impression of perfect simplicity and stability.


The importance of the Parthenon today

Today, the Parthenon is one of the most important monuments in the world, attracting millions of tourists every year. Its ruins are not only a tourist attraction, but also a place of scientific research and conservation. Greece, bearing in mind the enormous importance of the Parthenon for its cultural heritage, is carrying out intensive restoration works to preserve this priceless building for future generations.

The Parthenon is also a symbol of democracy and classical Greek civilization. Athens, the cradle of democracy, honored its patron saint by building this magnificent temple, which became the city's landmark. For modern Greeks and people around the world, the Parthenon is a reminder of past achievements and an inspiration to preserve their cultural heritage.



The Parthenon in Athens is more than just a monument. It is a testimony to the extraordinary architectural and artistic skills of the ancient Greeks, as well as a symbol of the rich and turbulent history of the region. Its majestic columns, impressive dimensions and rich decorations attract people from all over the world who want to see this masterpiece of classical architecture with their own eyes. Despite numerous transformations and destructions, the Parthenon still remains an unparalleled example of beauty and strength, reminding us of the greatness of ancient Greece.

In today's world, where everything is changing at a dizzying pace, the Parthenon is an enduring symbol of values ​​that have endured for centuries. Its history, architecture and significance make it one of the most important and fascinating monuments on the planet.

"The most perfect monument of ancient art, which even as a ruin impresses and moves." - Beadeker

Architect of Parthenon

Architect of Parthenon is Iktinos Kallikrates, Fidiasz

Construction/building type

Building Parthenon is of type Temple

Architectural style

Architectural style of Parthenon is Ancient greek dorian

What material is the building made of?

Parthenon is made of the following materials: Stone, marble

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Parthenon is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 404.
The listing took place in the year 1987.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

Comments to Parthenon (52) Average rating: 4,0 Add comment    /    Rate building

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4 years ago
choć to ruina, Partenon to dla mnie ***** dzieło .
Marcin B
Marcin B
9 years ago
Jest krótko i na temat oraz jest sporo informacji, jednak brakuje tu jeszcze kilku rzeczy bez których np. opis architektury nie będzie kompletny.
ada kupska adelka
ada kupska adelka
12 years ago
super,krótko i na temat ;)
15 years ago
bardzo fajny opis : ) i zdjecia : )
17 years ago
stronka fajna jak same Ateny i Akropol bylam i widzialam poprostu trzeba tam pojechac i samemu ocenic :)
17 years ago
fajne zdjecia ;-p
17 years ago
stronka przyjemna ale strasznie malo informacji,nie ma nic o metopach,o tym ze atena partenos byla wykonana technika chryzelefantynowa czyli byla drewniana i oblozona koscia i zlotem,i najwazniejsze ze partenon jest zbudowany na zasadzie zludzenia optycznego(nie ma w nim ZADNYCH lini prostych),i wiele innych ciekawostek i tresci na temat zajeb rzezb tez tu nie ma!! po namysle stronka do dupy jeslichodzi o tresc
18 years ago
fajne sformuowania ale jednak czegos mi jeszcze brakuje !
18 years ago
fajna stronka...:) dużo sie z niej dowiedziałam, serio!! :*:*:*- dla autorrra:):)
18 years ago
bylam tam.Jest super.Polecam.Tak jak powiedziala to jedna znana osoba jak sie zobaczy 3 wazne rzeczy to mozna spkojnie umrzec a tymi rzeczami jest wlasnie Akropol,Piramidy i wodospad Niagara :).
18 years ago
według mnie nic rewelacyjnego, byłem zawiedziony, nie polecam
18 years ago
mam konkurs z mitów i coś musze napisać o porteonoie a tu nie to co trzeba ale ogólnie spox
18 years ago
zero o boskiej proporcji i złotym podziale!!!
18 years ago
To ma byc RZYM
18 years ago
SUper zrobiłem dzięki tej stronie prace na 6-
19 years ago
zajebista strona.wiele się dowiedziałem
19 years ago
fajna strona
19 years ago
Grecja!ach..!Ateny!ach..Byłam 3razy i jeżeli ktoś nie wie gdzie wybrać się na wakacje polecam!!!Wspaniałe miejsca i przyjażni ludzie!!
19 years ago
ta strona jest super!!!!!!
19 years ago
czemu nie ma tu o metodzie chryzelefantyny i o tym ze Fidias przez posąg Ateny Partenos popełnił samobójstwo?? ale ogłnie stronka spoko :)
19 years ago
19 years ago
19 years ago
dobra stronka
19 years ago
ja tu potrzebuje konkretow a tu takie piepszenie niby cos jest a w zasadzie nic niema konkretnego łeeeee
monia rrrrrrrrr
monia rrrrrrrrr
19 years ago
Hej zaaje fajna stro nka mam sprawdzian z histy i wiele sie nau czyłam super yeah.. tak mi rób...tak tak.. właśnie moja koleżanka skończyła

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