
Newgrange (Ireland) - Neolithic monument from over 4 thousand years

Where is located Newgrange?

Address of Newgrange is Boyne Valley, Ireland
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When was built Newgrange?

Built date of Newgrange is Ok. 3600 BC or 2,500 p.n.e.


Facts, informations and history of Newgrange

Newgrange, also known as Sí an Bhrú, is one of the most fascinating megalithic tombs in Ireland, located in County Meath. Built around 3200 BC, this ancient monument showcases the advanced technical knowledge of a Neolithic society capable of constructing impressive structures.


History and construction

Newgrange consists of a large embankment with a diameter of 85 meters and a height of 13 meters. The central part of the complex is a mound with a diameter of 105 meters, surrounded by 97 stones, some with decorative carvings and paintings. The tomb has a 19-meter long corridor inside, which leads to a burial chamber measuring 6.5 by 6.2 meters.

Inside the chamber there are three bowl cavities and various artifacts, such as lamps, pendants, scales, bone tools and human bone fragments. The entire structure was built of stones covered with clay and shells, which were excavated from the nearby River Boyne. The number of stones used to build the tomb reaches at least 200,000 tons, which emphasizes the enormity of the work and technical advancement of Neolithic builders.


Astronomical precision

Newgrange's most famous feature is its ability to illuminate the burial chamber during the winter solar solstice. Above the entrance there is a special opening called a roof box, through which the rays of the rising sun penetrate into the interior of the tomb. December 19-23, around 9 a.m., a beam of light moves along the corridor, illuminating the chamber for about 15-17 minutes. This precise structure, which allows time to be measured by the movements of the sun, is extremely impressive considering that Newgrange was built over 500 years before The Great Pyramids of Giza.


Mystical and cultural value

Newgrange not only served as a tomb but may also have played a role in the calendar of Neolithic farmers, marking the beginning of a new year. It is a symbol of the triumph of life over death, which highlights the religious and cultural importance of this place for centuries. Archaeologists believe that Newgrange was a ritual site where ceremonies and rituals related to the cycle of life and death took place.


Discoveries and research

Despite its age, Newgrange remained forgotten for centuries until the 17th century, when it was discovered by accidental seekers of building stone. More serious research and reconstruction of the tomb took place in the 1960s and 1970s under the supervision of Professor Brian O'Kelly of University College Cork. O'Kelly noted that the architects of Newgrange built the tomb in such a way that the lighting of the burial chamber during the winter solstice was only possible for a short time, suggesting the advanced astronomical and technical knowledge of the people of the time.



Newgrange, with its extraordinary architecture, astronomical precision and cultural significance, remains one of the most extraordinary places in human history. As a witness of Neolithic technology and beliefs, it is not only an archaeological puzzle, but also inspires to discover the past and understand ancient civilizations. His preservation and research are crucial to understanding the history not only of Ireland, but of all humanity.

How many meters have Newgrange?

Height of Newgrange is 13.5 meters

how many meters have NewgrangeScale

Construction/building type

Building Newgrange is of type Tomb

Architectural style

Architectural style of Newgrange is Neolithic

What material is the building made of?

Newgrange is made of the following materials: Stone, peat

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Passage Grave, Brú na Bóinne

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Newgrange is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 659.
The listing took place in the year 1993.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

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15 years ago
przez pomyłke kliknieta została ocena 2 a chcę dać MAXIMUM!
17 years ago
dzisiaj zwiedzilem Newgrange i naprawde jestem pod wrazeniem pamiatkowe zdjecia beda mi przypominaly o tym miejscu :) polecam kazdemu zwiedzenie trzech miejsc tzn.Newgrange,Knowth i Dowth.
17 years ago
Świetne miejsce, mieszkam niedaleko tego w miasteczku o nazwie Trim , tam znów na zamku kręcili Waleczne Serce świetna okolica ... W Newgrange byłem na wycieczce ze szkołą, warto zobaczyć tamtejsze muzeum ... powodzenia miłego zwiedzania :)
17 years ago
Wygląda jak w miarę nowoczesny schron lub bunkier. Tyle samo pytań i zagadek co w przypadku choćby piramid w Gizie.
18 years ago
bylam w newgrange i polecam wycieczke tam kazdemu. wrazenia niezapomniane.
Dark Lord
Dark Lord
18 years ago
Tam istnieje magia.
paulinka-CELTKA :D
paulinka-CELTKA :D
18 years ago
:D bylam w Ireland cala jest taka magiczna ;D do NEW GRANGE spoźnilam sie o 15 minut :( jade jeszcze raz w wakacje buuzie z Kraka :D
18 years ago
ok, warto zobaczyc Ale zdecydowanie za malo informacji podawali przewodnicy, "po łebkach" , spodziewałems sie czeos wiecej - no to wiecej to sobie sam musze wyszukac. pozdro
18 years ago
niesamowita budowla , naprawdę robi wrazenie
18 years ago
byłam, widziałam, bardzo interesujące
19 years ago
to niesamowite, że budowle mogą tyle przetrwać
krzych kizierowski
krzych kizierowski
19 years ago
Newgrange,konstrukcyjnie jest również podobnie jak Stonehenge geodezyjnym zegarem, usytuowanym na geodezyjnej linii Newgrange-Aggersborg- rock Taberg pl stonehenge survey clock K.K

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