Mont Saint Michel
Mont Saint Michel, France

Mont Saint Michel in France - an island with a height of 78 meters, Benedictine abbey

Where is located Mont Saint Michel?

Address of Mont Saint Michel is Mont Saint Michel, France
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When was built Mont Saint Michel?

Built date of Mont Saint Michel is 1203 - starting work

Mont Saint Michel

Facts, informations and history of Mont Saint Michel

An island 78 meters high on the Normandy coast of France, in the Bay of Saint Michael, crowned with the statue of Archangel Michael placed on the church spire at an altitude of over 155 meters.

The island has its name in honor of Archangel Michael, who according to legend has appeared to the bishop of a neighboring city, ordering him to build an abbey in his honor. The abbey gradually transformed from a modest chapel into a huge fortress.

On the island apart from Grande Rue - a narrow street leading through the village to the abbey's foot are also: souvenir shops, restaurants and hotels, granite walls, underground rooms, stairs towers and crypts. You can visit there: "Salle des Hotes" - reception hall for important guests, "Salle des Chevaliers" - a four-nave knight's hall with a length of 20 m, "Crypte des gros Piliers" - with 19 pillars with a circumference of 5 m each and a cloister above the hall knight with 220 exquisite columns.

As many as 53 times a year the water rises so much that the hill with the mainland of France is connected only by a narrow dam with a length of about 1.8 km.

Every year more than three million people come to the island to visit the mountain and the old chapel "Saint-Michel-au-Péril-de-la-Mer" (" Saint Michael in maritime danger "). It is the second (after Paris) most popular place in France. And when it comes to specific monuments, only the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre enjoy more sympathy in France.

Today there is a danger that the island will become a peninsula due to the deposition of sediment by the tides and sand and silt remaining in the bay. Every year, 50000 trucks of new mud and sand remain in the bay.

Due to the application of very large amounts of sand by sea waves, the authorities have decided to separate Mont Saint Michel from the continent. The project of extracting and transporting 2 million cubic meters of sand from the bottom will cost almost a quarter of a billion euros. After its completion, the island will be connected to the shore with a two-kilometer glass footbridge.

The granite blocks used for construction were brought from a very long distance. The construction of the entire abbey lasted 500 years.

As many as 61 buildings on the island have been recognized as historical monuments.

In 1979 it was placed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

A wonderful pyramid that once wields a sandy desert like Cheops, once a sea like Teneriffs rocks - Viktor Hugo

How many meters have Mont Saint Michel?

Height of Mont Saint Michel is 155 meters - to the top of the church's spire

how many meters have Mont Saint MichelScale

Construction/building type

Building Mont Saint Michel is of type Fortress, Island

Architectural style

Architectural style of Mont Saint Michel is Gothic, Romanesque

Gothic is an architectural style that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages, especially from the 13th to the 15th century. It was characterised primarily by tall, narrow and upright buildings of brick or stone, which were subordinated to the idea of a light and airy form. Richly decorated arches, vaults and arcades were also a major feature of Gothic buildings, giving them a light and airy appearance. Gothic buildings were also dominated by high, sloping roofs and towers and turrets, which were intended to be visible from a distance and serve as orientation. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Mont Saint Michel

What area have Mont Saint Michel?

Mont Saint Michel have area of 3.97 km²

What material is the building made of?

Mont Saint Michel is made of the following materials: Stone, granite

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Mont Tombe, Wzgórze Mogiła

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Mont Saint Michel is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 80ter.
The listing took place in the year 1979.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

Comments to Mont Saint Michel (17) Average rating: 4,0 Add comment    /    Rate building

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Based on 17 comments
2 years ago
Jest sporo ciekawostek!
16 years ago
To jedno z najpiękniejszych miejsc Francji. Kiedy będziecie zwiedzać, upewnijcie się, jak przewidywane są przypływy i odpływy. Pozdrawiam
17 years ago
ludzie te miejsce wypasione... Bylem tam!
17 years ago
polecam książke "obietnica anioła"
17 years ago
wspaniałe dzieło ludzkich rąk i ciekawe zjawisko przyrodnicze. Przypływy i odpływy morza sprawiają, że to miejsce jest nadzwyczajne. Widzisz wodę i mógłbyś przysiąc, że przed chwilą był tam parking dla autokarów!
emilia kalota
emilia kalota
18 years ago
przepiękna! nic nie trzeba dodawać.
Agu :*
Agu :*
18 years ago
to miejsce jest swietne . zdjecie jest super zrobione :) moglabym tam pojechac ;)
18 years ago
Pracuję w Rennes,a Mont saint Michel widziałem z dzieięć razy. Za karzdym razem inna, ciekawsza, piękniejsza. Cudowna
18 years ago
jest cudownie polecam piekne pamiątki w sklepikach
18 years ago
jejku nie długo będę w mont saint mischel i nie moge sie doczekać
18 years ago
wow!!! i tyle=)
18 years ago
Tego się nie da opisać to trzeba zobaczyć!
19 years ago
Mont Saint Michel to naprawdę piękne miejsce, które warto zobaczyć z bliska! Nigdy nie zapomnę tego widoku!
19 years ago
Szczęka autentycznie mi opadła na dłuuugo , gdy zobaczyłem MontSM po raz pierwszy. Po raz drugi - też opadła. Po raz trzeci - też. Chyba tak zawsze będzie, gdy ujrzę MontSM.
krzych kizierowski
krzych kizierowski
19 years ago
Ta budowla jest powiązana liniowo ze Stonehenge, a więc stanowi element zegara geodezyjnego (survey clock).
19 years ago
Mont Saint Michel to jedna z najpiękniejszych budowli na świecie!!!
20 years ago
Lubje gotyk. Szkoda - jak pisalem juz u gory, ze nie macie gotyk z Polski, n.p. z Wroclawia, Gdanska lub Krakowa. Jakos mi sie wydaje, ze oprocz Warszawy - ktora owszem i niewatpliwie ma swoje walory - nie uwzgledniliscie innych polskich miast. Szkoda.

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