Paris, France

Louvre in Paris (France) - museum, historic monument, fortress

Where is located Louvre?

Address of Louvre is Musée du Louvre, 75058, Paris, France
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When was built Louvre?

Built date of Louvre is 1546-1878


Facts, informations and history of Louvre

The Louvre in Paris is one of the most iconic places in the world, delighting with its history, architecture and unrivaled collection of works of art. From a defensive fortress to one of the world's greatest museums, the Louvre has come a long way while remaining true to its mission of educating and promoting culture. Everyone who visits this magical place is carried away by its charm and wealth, discovering the secrets of the past and enjoying the beauty of art.


History and evolution of the Louvre

The Louvre, one of the most important and recognizable museums in the world, has a rich and fascinating history. It all started in the 12th century, when King Philip II Augustus commissioned the construction of a massive fortress. This fortress was intended to protect Paris against possible Norman invasions. The structure included an impressive tower 30 meters high and walls 4 meters thick. It was a solid structure that was intended to protect the city against all threats.

In the following centuries, the fortress underwent many changes. King Charles V expanded it into a palace, adding numerous luxurious elements. Then King Francis I commissioned the creation of a completely new project, which aimed to transform the Louvre into a royal residence. During the reign of Louis XIV, the construction of the "Old Louvre" was completed, giving rise to today's palace complex.

However, the real transformation of the Louvre into a museum took place after the French Revolution. In 1793, The Louvre was opened as the National Museum of France, open to the public. This event significantly changed its function and status, transforming it into a cultural and educational institution.


Architecture and structure of the Louvre

Today, the Louvre is not only a museum, but also a complex palace and museum complex, which includes both the Old and the New Louvre. The Old Louvre consists of four main wings that create an impressive architectural structure. The New Louvre, in turn, surrounds the "Place du Carrousel" and extends to the Tuileries Pavilion. These two main parts together create one of the most characteristic architectural ensembles in Paris.

It is also worth mentioning two pavilions on Zgody Square, which were built in the mid-19th century: I'Orangerie and Jen de Paume. These are important elements of the complex that additionally enrich its architectural landscape.

The history of the Louvre is full of dramatic moments, and one of the darkest chapters was World War II. During the Nazi occupation of Paris, the Louvre was turned into a warehouse for stolen works of art. It was a difficult period for the museum, but after the end of the war, many of these works were recovered and returned to their places.


Collections and exhibits of the Louvre

The Louvre is home to one of the richest art collections in the world. Its collection includes over 380,000 works of art, although only about 35,000 are publicly exhibited. These impressive collections include works from different eras and cultures, including:

Ancient Egypt: The Louvre's Egyptian collection is one of the largest collections outside Egypt. These include sculptures, sarcophagi, papyri and other artifacts.

Ancient Greece and Rome: This section includes famous works such as "Venus de Milo" and "Nike of Samothrace".

Ancient Near East: Collections include relics from Mesopotamia, Persia and other ancient cultures of the Near East.

Islamic Art: The Louvre has a rich collection of Islamic art, including ceramics, textiles, miniatures and other works.

Sculpture: From ancient Greek sculptures to modern European works, the Louvre's sculpture section is incredibly diverse.

Painting: One of the most important exhibits is Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa", which attracts crowds of tourists every day.

Artistic Crafts: The collections include rich collections of furniture, porcelain, jewelry and other everyday objects from various eras.

Drawings and Prints: The Louvre also has an impressive collection of drawings and prints, including works by masters such as Rembrandt and Michelangelo.


Mona Lisa

The most famous work in the Louvre is undoubtedly the "Mona Lisa". This painting is not only one of the most important works of Leonardo da Vinci, but also one of the most recognizable works of art in the world. It is protected by bulletproof glass and has its own security guards who keep an eye on the crowds of tourists that gather in front of it. This is one of those works that every visitor to the Louvre must see with their own eyes.


Visiting the Louvre

Visiting the Louvre is an unforgettable experience that requires appropriate preparation. The museum complex is huge and full of sights All exhibitions require walking approximately 15 kilometers. Therefore, it is worth planning the route in advance and deciding which sections are most important to us.

The Louvre is divided into three main pavilions: Sully, Denon and Richelieu. Each of them has its own unique features and exhibits, which makes exploring a bit easier. Therefore, it is worth getting acquainted with the map of the museum and deciding from which pavilion to start your adventure.

Every first Sunday of the month, the museum offers free admission, which is a great opportunity to visit the Louvre without having to buy a ticket. This is an excellent opportunity, especially for those who are on a limited budget but want to see the most important works of art.


Glass pyramid

The entrance to the museum is through the famous glass pyramid, which was built in the 1980s on the initiative of President Francois Mitterrand. The pyramid measures 21 meters and is one of the most recognizable elements of the Louvre. Inside there are ticket offices, an information point, a shop and toilets, which makes it an ideal place to start your tour.


Louvre Abu Dhabi

An interesting fact is that in the capital of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi, there is a second Louvre museum. Opened in 2017, the Louvre Abu Dhabi was established under an agreement between the governments of France and the UAE. This modern museum combines architecture and art from different cultures, creating a unique experience for visitors. The exhibitions include works of art from both the Louvre in Paris and other important institutions around the world.


Secrets of the Louvre

The Louvre hides many secrets and curiosities that make it even more charming. One of the most intriguing aspects is its extensive system of underground corridors and chambers, which date back to the times of the fortress of Philip II Augustus. These basements were originally used as warehouses and treasuries, and today some of them are open to visitors. There you can see the remains of the original walls of the fortress, which is an extraordinary experience that allows you to go back in time.

The Louvre is not only a place where you can admire works of art, but also where intensive research is carried out on the authenticity and state of preservation of the exhibits. The museum has its own laboratory, known as Laboratoire, where experts use modern technologies to analyze works of art. Thanks to this, you can not only confirm the authenticity of individual exhibits, but also discover their secrets, such as hidden layers of paint or repairs invisible to the naked eye.


The Louvre in pop culture

The Louvre is not only an icon of art and culture, but also often appears in pop culture. One of the most famous examples is the novel "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown, the action of which begins in the Louvre. The story of mysterious murders and puzzles related to works of art has intrigued millions of readers around the world and contributed to the growth of interest in the museum.

The Louvre is also a popular location for film productions. He is known for films such as "Lupin", where the museum is the background for many action scenes. Thanks to its monumental architecture and rich history, the Louvre is the perfect place to shoot scenes full of mystery and adventure.


The influence of the Louvre on culture and education

The impact that the Louvre has on culture and education around the world cannot be overstated. As one of the most important museums, it plays a key role in preserving and promoting cultural heritage. It regularly organizes temporary exhibitions that attract excellent collections from other museums, giving visitors access to a wide range of works of art.

The Louvre also offers a wide range of educational programs for both children and adults. Workshops, lectures and special tour routes help you understand the historical and artistic context of individual works. Thanks to this, the museum not only presents art, but also educates and inspires future generations.


What's the best way to visit the Louvre?

Visiting the Louvre can be a challenge due to its huge area and number of exhibits. Here are some tips on how to best plan your visit:

Before your visit, it is worth reading the museum map and identifying the most important sections you want to see. You can also use the Louvre's mobile app, which offers interactive guides and tours tailored to a variety of interests.

To avoid the biggest crowds, it is best to visit the Louvre early in the morning or late in the afternoon. It is also worth remembering that on the first Sunday of each month, entry is free, which attracts even more visitors.

Due to the large area of ​​the museum, it is worth considering dividing the visit into several days, if possible. Focus on the unit This section or pavilion during one visit will allow you to get to know the exhibits in more detail and avoid fatigue.


The Louvre: more than a museum

The Louvre is not only a place where you can admire works of art. It is also a cultural center that organizes numerous events, including concerts, performances and lectures. Thanks to this, the museum is alive and vibrant with culture, attracting a diverse audience.

The Louvre regularly hosts temporary exhibitions that attract outstanding collections from all over the world. These exhibitions offer visitors the opportunity to see unique works of art that are not normally available in a museum. This is an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge and understand the historical context of different cultures.

The museum also organizes numerous cultural events, including concerts, theater performances and lectures. These events not only enrich the museum's offerings, but also attract a diverse audience who can enjoy art in a variety of forms.


The Louvre in the future

The Louvre, despite its rich history, is constantly developing and adapting to new challenges. Renovations, new exhibitions and innovative educational programs ensure that the museum remains a dynamic and vibrant place that attracts both tourists and local residents.

The museum uses modern technologies to make the visit even more interactive and engaging. Mobile applications, virtual guides and interactive exhibitions are just some of the tools that allow you to better understand and appreciate art. Thanks to this, the Louvre remains at the forefront of innovation in the world of museums.

The Louvre has ambitious plans for the future, which include further expansion and modernization of its infrastructure. New exhibition spaces, better facilities for visitors and increased accessibility are just some of the projects that aim to make the museum an even more friendly and attractive place.



The Louvre in Paris is not just a museum, but a real treasure of culture and history. From a fortress, through a royal residence, to one of the most important museums in the world, the Louvre has come a long and fascinating way. Its rich collection of works of art, wonderful architecture and interesting history attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year.

For every art and history lover, a visit to the Louvre is a must during your stay in Paris. It is a place where the past meets the present, and each work of art tells its own unique story. Whether you are an art expert or simply a curious tourist, the Louvre is sure to offer you an unforgettable experience.

Architect of Louvre

Architect of Louvre is Pierre Lescot, Catherine de Medici, J. A. du Cerceau II, Claude Perrault

How many meters have Louvre?

Height of Louvre is 21.65 - the height of the pyramid

how many meters have LouvreScale

Construction/building type

Building Louvre is of type Palace

Architectural style

Architectural style of Louvre is French renaissance

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions


What area have Louvre?

Louvre have area of 20 hectares

What material is the building made of?

Louvre is made of the following materials: Stone

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Musée de la République

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Louvre is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 600.
The listing took place in the year 1991.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/600/

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is http://www.louvre.fr

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16 years ago
Ile czasu wziedza się Luwr z przewodnikiem? Wybieram się w weekend majowy. Pewnie będą osre kolejki??
13 years ago
Ja Byłam W Niedziele.Wniedziele Jest Za Darmo Tylko Stoi Się Gdzieś 3 4 Godziny Ale Warto
17 years ago
Ksiażka Kod Leonardo da Vinci bardzo mnie zafascynowała.Muzełum tez wydaje sie być bardzo interesujące.Chciałabym tam kiedyś pojechać i zwiedzić te wszystki sale.:)
17 years ago
Mieszkając w Paryżu Luwr zrobil na mnie duże wrażenie.Jest bardzo piękny.Francuzi maja się czym pochwalic,tyle zbiorów z różnych krajów...Jeśli chodzi o cene to nie jest wcale drogi,a poza tym otwarty jest za darmo w każdą pierwszą niedziele miesiąca. i dla dzieci (do 18 lat) które chodza tu do szkoły.Paryż jest cudowny... Pozdrawiam serdecznie! Piszcie!
17 years ago
Sa tu wszystkie potrzebne wiadomoscii na temat Luwru..xD Bardzo mi sie przydały do prezentacji . Mam nadzieje ze kiedys odwiedze francjie i zobacze miedzy innymi Luwr bo fotki ca naprwde superxD
17 years ago
Ja chciałam powiedzieć araczej napisać, że Kod Leonarda da Vinci tio tloske bajka, niestety... Przeczytajcie Fakty i mity Kodu Leonarda da Vinci... Musse de Luwr jest najwspanialszą budowlą jaka istnieje na świecie tak samo jak moja Tour Eiffel!!! Samo to, że jest tam najpiękniejszy obraz świata (według mnie) najwspanialszego człowieka, malarza świata!!! KoFFam~~>Francje~~>Paryż~~>Tour Eiffel~~>Luwr~~> Leonarda da Vinci~~>Mona Lise~~> Zinedine Zidana i wsysko czo związane z najcudowniejszym krajem świata czyli FRANCJĄ!!!
18 years ago
spoko przydaly mi sie fotki do prezentacji :D ciekawe, takie nietypowe. Można by jeszcze dodac kilka fotografii zabytkow Luwru i je opisac ale ogólnie fajnie :)
18 years ago
18 years ago
mogłam napisac o nim w mojej pracy domowej z angielskiego, te informacje bardzo mi sie przydały :)
18 years ago
Jeden dzien na Paryz to jakas masakra dlatego Luwr byl potraktowany dosc lekko...Mona Lisa i potem czekanie na reszte popijajac kaffke w muzealnej kawiarence.Wrocic zamierzam i poswiece duzo wiecej czasu bo warto.Zaluje tamtego mojego lekcewazacego podejscia do muzeow wogole...po wykladach z muzealnictwa zafascynowalo mnie to bardzo wiec pierwszym celem bedzie powtorka Luwru :) Sam wyglad robi piorunujace wrazenie:)
18 years ago
ale Luwr jest wspaniały!!
18 years ago
przeczytałam kod ... a ponieważ jestem dość wrażliwa na sztuke bardzo mnie ta książka wciągneła jestem o wiele młodsza od niektórych z was ... więc moze dlatego nie wiem co o niej tak dokładnie myśleć, z jednej strony jako chrześcijanka mam wielką nadzieje że niektóre rzeczy opisane przez Brown'a są nieprawdziwe ale dowody które wymienił zdają się niewiarygodne. Ten ród Jezusa, Św. Graal, Maria Magdalena, te wszystkie tajemnice...
18 years ago
a ja byłam nie w samym luwrze,ale na tym placu.piramidki na żywo są wspaniałe,najlepiej wygladaja noca,zresztą jak cały paryż.podobała mi się też główna piramida,czyli ta największa,od dołu.tzn.pod ziemią,jest też ta piramida tylko zrobiona do góry nogami.cudo!
18 years ago
ogladam wlasnie te foty luwru i jest wspanialy, pewnie dlatego tak mysle, ze jestem w trakci czytania kodu da vinci - polecam...
18 years ago
spoko dzięki niemu mam prace domową na angielski :)
18 years ago
spoko dzięki niemu mam prace domową na angielski :)
18 years ago
myślę,że zawartosć Luwru jest cenniejsza niż sam obiekt ;)
18 years ago
luwr to cos pięknego ! polecam pojechac i zwiedzic bo warto !
18 years ago
ja tez wlasnie skonczylam czytac Kod Leonarda da Vinci to jest poprostu za******* książka!!!!! Patrząc na zdjecia Luwry stwierdzam zew jest bardzo ladny i robi wrazenie!!
18 years ago
ja własnie skończyłam przez sekundą czytać Kod Leonarda da Vinci i jestem pod wrażeniem tej ksiązki..przeczytałam ja jednym tchem..polecam gorąco bo naprawde warto..
18 years ago
ja wlasnie czytam "Kod Leonarda Da Vinci" super!!! :):):) polecam każdemu żeby przeczytał.
18 years ago
Luwr Jest SUPER !!!!!!!!!!:]
18 years ago
Luwr jest śliczny, a książka "Kod Leonarda..." wy******:) polecam;)
18 years ago
kocham Luwr!!!
18 years ago
Luwr jako budek robi ogromne wrazenie. Najlepiej prezentuje sie od strony piramidy i zdrugie brzegu sekwany. W tym pierwszym przypadku, najbardziej zachwyca symetria, a wdrugim - ogrom tego gmachu. W środku nie polecam, chyba, że ktos jest milosnikiem muzeow. Cholernia tam duszczno i pelno bydla.

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