Jin Mao Building
Shanghai, China

Jin Mao Building (Shanghai, China) - 421 meter skyscraper

Where is located Jin Mao Building?

Address of Jin Mao Building is 2 Shi Ji Avenue, Lujiazui Central Financial District, Shanghai, China
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When was built Jin Mao Building?

Built date of Jin Mao Building is From January 1993 to August 1998

Jin Mao Building

Facts, informations and history of Jin Mao Building

Jin Mao Building is one of the most iconic buildings in Shanghai, which not only amazes with its architecture, but also delights with its extraordinary engineering. Since its completion on August 28, 1998, which is no coincidence - eight is a lucky number for the Chinese - the building has attracted the attention of both residents and tourists from all over the world.


History and significance of Jin Mao Building

When the Jin Mao Building was completed, it was the tallest building in China and the fourth tallest in the world. This achievement was proof of China's growing economic power and its ability to implement monumental projects. The main investor of the building was the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC), which emphasized its importance for the Chinese economy.

The construction of this skyscraper was also a breakthrough in terms of technology. The Jin Mao Building was designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, including typhoons with speeds of up to 200 kilometers per hour and earthquakes of up to 7 on the Richter scale. Such security measures make the building one of the safest skyscrapers in the world.


Architecture and structure


Jin Mao Building has 88 floors, which is another reference to the Chinese symbolism of the number eight. The building's architecture is inspired by traditional Chinese pagodas, as seen in its gradual narrowing towards the top. The section below 350 meters is divided into 12 segments, with an additional 4 segments above, for a total of 16 segments. Each segment is 1/8 shorter than the previous one, which gives the building a unique, slim appearance.

The total height of the building is 420.5 meters, of which the spire and its supporting structure raise it by an additional 50 meters. This structure not only adds height to the building, but also increases its stability in extreme weather conditions.


Interiors and use

Jin Mao Building is not only a masterpiece of external architecture, but also perfectly planned interiors. The offices occupy floors from 3 to 50, and all office rooms are without columns, which gives greater flexibility in arranging the space. The gross height of each floor is 4 meters and the net height is 2.7 meters, which ensures comfort and spaciousness.

From the 51st to the 88th floor is the five-star, 555-room Grand Hyatt Hotel, which offers incredible city views and luxurious amenities for its guests. It is one of the highest hotels in the world, which makes it a unique place on the map of Shanghai.


Materials and technologies

The skyscraper's exterior curtain walls are made of glass and stainless steel, punctuated by an intricate lattice cladding made of numerous aluminum alloy tubes. This structure not only adds aesthetics to the building, but also increases its resistance to weather conditions.

Jin Mao Building was also designed with environmental protection in mind. The building uses numerous modern technologies that minimize energy consumption and pollutant emissions. The ventilation and lighting systems are energy-saving, and the materials used for construction are environmentally friendly.


Curiosities and facts

Jin Mao Building hides many curiosities and facts that may be of interest to both architecture lovers and people passionate about Chinese culture. One of the most fascinating aspects of the building is its number of floors - 88, which has symbolic meaning in Chinese culture. The number eight is considered to bring good luck and prosperity, which is why it appears so often in important projects and events.

Another interesting fact is that the building was designed to withstand very strong winds, which can reach speeds of up to 200 kilometers per hour. Thanks to advanced engineering and the use of modern materials, the skyscraper is one of the safest in the world.

It is also worth noting that the Jin Mao Building was the tallest building in China for many years, which highlights its importance in the history of Chinese architecture. Although it has now been surpassed by other buildings, it still remains one of the most important symbols of modernity and progress.



The Jin Mao Building in Shanghai is a true masterpiece of architecture and engineering that combines tradition with modernity. Since its completion in 1998, the building has consistently attracted attention with its imposing height, elegant form and advanced technology. It is a place that not only symbolizes China's economic power, but also inspires new peace laziness of architects and engineers.

If you ever have the opportunity to visit Shanghai, the Jin Mao Building should be on your bucket list. It is not only a building, but also a testimony of human ingenuity and determination in pursuing dreams.

Architect of Jin Mao Building

Architect of Jin Mao Building is Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill

How many meters have Jin Mao Building?

Height of Jin Mao Building is 420,63 m - to the tip of the spire
370 m - without mast

how many meters have Jin Mao BuildingScale

Construction/building type

Building Jin Mao Building is of type Office building

Architectural style

Architectural style of Jin Mao Building is Modern

Modern architectural style is a style characterised primarily by simple and regular forms, a lack of ornamentation and the use of modern building materials. It is significantly different from other architectural styles, such as Baroque, Gothic or Renaissance, where more complex forms and rich ornamentation predominated. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Jin Mao Building

What area have Jin Mao Building?

Jin Mao Building have area of 278 707 m²

What material is the building made of?

Jin Mao Building is made of the following materials: Steel, glass

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Jin Mao Mansion

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is http://www.jinmao88.com/

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Dan Pimental Strategy
Dan Pimental Strategy [http://alignmentfinancialgroup.com/]
3 years ago
Jin Mao Tower is a supertall skyscraper in Shanghai, China, the tower was once the nation's tallest building. The number of floors above ground should include the ground floor level and be the number of main floors above ground.
15 years ago
byłem tam w tym roku i bardzo mi sie podobała arhitektura tego budynku choc z pewnoscia nie jest najlepszy pod wzgledem całego swiata omijajac polske
16 years ago
byłem nie jest fajny w środku wole iść pod most spać
17 years ago
Ten budynek jest rewelacyjny, lepiej jest wjechać na jego wieżę widokową niż na TV. Zdjęcia na tej stronie nie oddają klimatu Shanghaju, który zrobił na mnie większe wrażenie niz HongKong. Polecam Chiny, po powrocie Polska wydaje się wtedy być trzecim światem.
17 years ago
do bani jest ten budynek Burj Al Arab jest bardziej luksusowe Chiny owszem sąinteresującym pańswem ale ja wole odpoczywać niż się szlajć po Chiach
elo to ja
elo to ja
17 years ago
Burj Al Arab ej ziomki to jest dopiero hoootel!!! pozdro
17 years ago
Nie zgadzam się z Wami Panowie (Panie). Byłam na Jin Mao i widok jest niesamowity. Sam Budynek tez imponujacy. Co do Chin to radzę najpierw zobaczyc je osobiscie a później sie wypowiadać.
18 years ago
to co amerykanskie jest piekne a to co hinskie buuuuu
18 years ago
.........wszystko co chińskie jest do dupy:koszulki,buty i wieżowce też.......
18 years ago
Moim zdaniem chińskie budynki to "dziwaki"! Np.: taki Jin Mao Building, to "prawdziwy dziwak". A w ogule, Chiny mi się nie podobają...
18 years ago
18 years ago
Moim zdaniem chińskie budynki to "dziwaki"! Np.: taki Jin Mao Building, to "prawdziwy dziwak". A w ogule, Chiny mi się nie podobają...
18 years ago
..wiem cos o tym, ta wieża to żywioł który pochlonął Rolanda,niestety:((
18 years ago
mi ona przypomina Rolanda Simpsona :( ktory tam zginal ci co sie interesuja base jumping wiedza oo czym mowa .... :(
19 years ago
ja bylem w tym roku..ale wjechalem na Perle Orientu(wieze telewizyjna) zamiast jin mao..ale budynek robi ogromne wrazenie...nie mozna sie napatrzec na niego:)
19 years ago
19 years ago
byłem w wielu miejscach świata w Shanghaiu w maju tego roku,ten budynek robi wrażenie, zdjęcią na stronie oddają najwyżej 20% efektu, warto zbierać kasę
19 years ago
dziwne jakieś te fotki ... nie wiadomo czy one są prawdziwe czy nie :/
19 years ago
Wow, ciekawe czy dożyję takiego w Polsce :) Azja rządzi na świecie...
19 years ago
Ale EMPIRE z iglica jest tu liczony
19 years ago
Przecież Empire State ma 381metrów!
19 years ago
gdyby tak mozna bylo odwiedzic jedno z tych miejsc :)
19 years ago
te baraki na dole dziwnie wygladaja
19 years ago
Ten HIGHLANDER to jakiś oszołom?Ten wieżowiec nie jest na miarę czogoś na co już nikt nie zwraca uwagi-Empire State Builiding.To nowa piękna budowla która dla budownictwa przyszłości otwiera nowe perspektywy.Chciałbym kiedyś obok Jin Mao zobaczyć potężne zagęszczenie planowanych budowli
20 years ago
Wygląda jak Taipei 101... Tylko trochę niższe :D

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