Hadrian's Wall
United Kingdom

Hadrian's Wall in England - 120 kilometers wall from II century

Where is located Hadrian's Wall?

Address of Hadrian's Wall is England
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When was built Hadrian's Wall?

Built date of Hadrian's Wall is 2nd century e.e.

Hadrian's Wall

Facts, informations and history of Hadrian's Wall

The wall is 4.5 meters high and 2.5 - 3 meters wide.

Wall width is variable. The western part was initially made of peat, later it was made of stone.

750,000 m were used for the construction of the monument? stones.

For centuries, Hadrian's Wall was robbed of stone (evidence of this is visible in many surrounding buildings), and in some places it was blown up to make it easier to draw stone .

Originally the wall consisted of milestones (spaced every 1 mile, ie about 1481 m) and turrets (two equally spaced between each pair of castles) ). Milestones could accommodate a few men, but most of the troops were stationed south of the wall. Soon everything changed. 14 new watchtowers were built on the wall line, including those that can now be viewed at Housesteads, Chesters and Birdoswald, and Hadrian's border has become home to 10,000 soldiers.

The Roman emperor built a wall to revive the Romans from the barbarians.

Construction works have been completed within 7-8 years.

A special bus "Hadrian's Wall" with three guides has been helping you navigate the wall for 28 years.

From April 27 to June 3, around 100 special festivals, concerts, shows and rallies are held along the wall. In the period from April to August, archaeologists are exploring the wall.

Each year, around 1.25 million people visit the wall. Of which over 500,000 visit forts and museums open to the public. Unfortunately, since 1970, the number of visitors to the monument has been evenly decreasing.

Construction/building type

Building Hadrian's Wall is of type Wall

Architectural style

Architectural style of Hadrian's Wall is Ancient Roman

The ancient Roman architectural style is mainly characterised by the use of brick and marble and the use of columns and triangular pediments. Roman architecture was known for its monumental buildings such as amphitheatres, thermopiles and temples. Roman architects were known for their ability to use natural light and ventilation in their buildings, which was particularly important in the warm climate of Italy. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Hadrian's Wall

How many meters have Hadrian's Wall?

Hadrian's Wall have length 120 km

What material is the building made of?

Hadrian's Wall is made of the following materials: Stone

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Hadrian's Wall, Wał Hadriana

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Hadrian's Wall is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 430ter.
The listing took place in the year 1987.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/430ter/

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is http://www.visithadrianswall.co.uk

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budynkowo.pl [https://budynkowo.pl/mur-hadriana-architektura-rzymu/]
5 years ago
Super, bardzo fajny artykuł, natomiast warto podkreślić, że Mur Hadriana jest wpisany na listę UNESCO i dlaczego! https://budynkowo.pl/mur-hadriana-architektura-rzymu/
10 years ago
przepraszam , że nie będę tu się wypowiadała na temat muru , ale przeraziła ortografia , a tak naprawdę jej brak u poniższych osób , np. Maria piszemy "że" a nie "rze" no ludzie troszeczkę pomyślcie zanim coś napiszecie , to samo tyczy się Marty , która napisała "dzienki" zamiast "dzięki".Polecam słownik ortograficzny na przyszłość.
13 years ago
szkoda rze nie powiedzieli gdzie sie znajduje :S
15 years ago
super opis tego muru mam nadzieje że mi się przyda(może)...:)
16 years ago
To bardzo dobry opis tej budowli dzienki :)
16 years ago
Banshee bo 120 km to 120000 m. Trzeba zamienic na jednakowe jednostki.
17 years ago
17 years ago
budowle sa ok
17 years ago
troszke mnie zastanawia jak 120x4,5x3=750 000m^3 rozumiem ze kamienia schodzi duzo wiecej niz potrzebne jest do samej budowy, ale bez przesady ...
gall anonim
gall anonim
18 years ago
witam, stronka spoko, korzystam, bo mam prace z anglika cos napisac o tym. pozdro
18 years ago
weszłam na tą stronę jedynie dlatego że miałam zadanie z angielskiego dowiedzieć się cos o tym murze...więc fajnie że ta strona istnieje:)
19 years ago
Możecie byście napisali coś jeszcze na temat historii?
19 years ago
Tu nalezy rowniez dodac ze za czasow cesarza Hadriana tak doza ilosc rolnierzy rzymskich stacjonujacych w Brytani mogla stanowic zagrozenie. Hadrian nie mogl zoatawic tylu zolnierzy zupelnie bezczynnie. Budowa owegu muru miala dac zajecie znudzonym legionistom na pare lat.
19 years ago
yyyy, fuchy you!!
19 years ago
Osobo,która to napisała!!!Pisząc to wymyślasz,bo na innych stronach pisze,że mur był(jest) zrobiony z kamiernia i darni,a na twojej stronie pisze inaczej!!!Albo to popraw albo przyznaj się do błędu.AHA!!!Jak tego nie poprawisz to........
19 years ago
hmmmm.... ogólnie dzisiaj jetsem wkurzony bo robie referat na geografie więc strona do bani:((
19 years ago
Nie chce mi sie wierzyc, ze mur ma 4,5 metra, tam gdzie bylam, od zachodniej strony muru wlasciwie w wiekszosci go nie ma, a tam gdzie jeszcze jest nie przekracza wzrostu czlowieka:( barbarzyncy go doszczetnie rozebrali.
21 years ago
Oceniam budowlę na 6 punktów

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