Gateway Arch
Saint Louis, United States

Gateway Arch in Saint Louis (USA) - 192 meter arch on the banks of the Mississippi River

Where is located Gateway Arch?

Address of Gateway Arch is 100 Washington Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63102, Missouri, USA
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When was built Gateway Arch?

Built date of Gateway Arch is February 12, 1963 - start of construction
October 28, 1965 - construction completed

Gateway Arch

Facts, informations and history of Gateway Arch

The Gateway Arch, also known as the Gateway Arch, is one of the most iconic places in the United States. This impressive structure rises majestically above the Mississippi River in Saint Louis, serving not only as a historical monument but also as a symbol of modern architecture. What makes this bow so special? Let's take a closer look at its history, construction and meaning.


History and significance of the Gateway Arch

When we think about the Gateway Arch in Saint Louis, it is impossible not to mention its creator, Eero Saarinen. This American architect of Finnish origin won the competition for the design of the monument in 1948. Unfortunately, Saarinen did not live to see the construction completed in 1965. Nevertheless, his vision was fully realized and the Gateway Arch became a true work of architectural art.


Symbolism and design

The Gateway Arch is not only an impressive structure, but also a symbolic gateway to the West. In pioneer times, Saint Louis served as an important starting point for settlers setting out to conquer the Old West. The arch, rising to a height of 192 meters, has the shape of a rainbow. This rainbow symbolizes hope for the future and reconciliation between God and humanity. This is an ideal form for a monument that commemorates thousands of men, women and children who, with great hopes, left the known world to settle new, unknown areas in the West.

The design of the Gateway Arch was developed using complex mathematical equations given to Saarinen by Hannskarl Bandel. Although the arch appears narrower at the base, it is in fact as wide as it is high - both dimensions are 192 meters. This optical illusion only adds to the charm of this majestic structure.


Fascinating facts about the Gateway Arch

The Gateway Arch is not only a beautiful sight, but also an engineering marvel. The entire structure weighs an impressive 38,898 tons of which concrete accounts for 23,570 tons, structural steel weighs 1,957 tons and the external stainless steel panels weigh 804 tons. The structure was designed to withstand strong winds and earthquakes. The maximum expected deviation at the top is 46 cm, which shows how solidly built this monument is.

During strong winds, the Gateway Arch may deflect up to 2.5 centimeters at wind speeds of 32 km/h. This flexibility of the structure is crucial to its durability. The foundations of the arch are sunk as much as 18 meters into the ground, which additionally stabilizes the entire structure.

One of the most exciting aspects of visiting the Gateway Arch is the opportunity to ride to the top. Inside the arch are elevators that deliver passengers to the portholes high above in four minutes. There are 8 capsules on both legs, each carrying 5 passengers.

At the top of the arch there is an observation deck, which can accommodate up to 160 people at a time. On a clear day, from this point you can see areas 48 kilometers away. The view of Saint Louis and the Mississippi River is breathtaking and an unforgettable experience for every visitor.


Gateway Arch as a tourist attraction

Gateway Arch is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world. It attracts over four million tourists every year, of which about a million decide to travel to its peak. What makes so many people come to see this monumental arch?


Impact on tourism

The Gateway Arch is not only an icon of Saint Louis, but also an important point on the tourist map of the United States. Its proximity to other city attractions such as the St. History Museum. Louis or the Mississippi River, making it the perfect place to start exploring. For many tourists it is the first stop on their journey around the city.


Culture and education

In addition to its impressive architecture and breathtaking views, the Gateway Arch also has great educational significance. In its basement there is a museum devoted to the history of the conquest of the West, which offers a rich collection of exhibits and interactive exhibitions. This is a great place to learn more about US history and the role Saint Louis played in shaping the country.


Architectural and cultural significance

The Gateway Arch is a real work of art that combines elements of modern architecture and deep historical symbolism. Its elegant, minimalist design and precise construction make it one of the most recognizable buildings in the world.

The Gateway Arch inspires not only architects, but also artists, engineers and everyone who appreciates both beauty and innovation. Its impressive scale and elegance are proof that grand visions can become reality, even if they seem impossible at first.

The Gateway Arch also serves as a meeting place and organization of various cultural and social events. Festivals, concerts and other events take place regularly in the area, attracting both residents and tourists. It's a place that is bustling with life and always offers something interesting to see.



The Entry Arch in Saint Louis is more than just an architectural structure. It is a symbol of hope, determination and a pioneering spirit that continues to inspire and delight millions of people around the world. From its design by Eero Saarinen to the present day, the Gateway Arch remains one of the most recognizable and admired monuments in the United States.

If you haven't had the opportunity to see it with your own eyes yet, it's worth adding this place to your travel list. The view from its top of the Saint Louis skyline and the Mississippi River is an experience that will remain in your memory for a long time. The Gateway Arch is not only the past, but also the future - a symbol of the constant pursuit of discovering new horizons and crossing boundaries, both literal and metaphorical.

Architect of Gateway Arch

Architect of Gateway Arch is Eero Saarinen
Eero Saarinen

How many meters have Gateway Arch?

Height of Gateway Arch is 192 meters

how many meters have Gateway ArchScale

Construction/building type

Building Gateway Arch is of type Monument, Observatory

Architectural style

Architectural style of Gateway Arch is Modern expressionism

What material is the building made of?

Gateway Arch is made of the following materials: steel


Build cost of Gateway Arch is $ 13 million (equivalent to today's $ 81 million)

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Gateway Arch, Gateway to the West

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

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Piter Bydgoszcz
Piter Bydgoszcz
1 year ago
Również oglądałem film o budowie łuku. Kolega wypożyczył go z Ambasady USA w Warszawie.. Wielkie wrażenie z wielkości przedsięwzięcia. Dodatkowo schładzanie ostatnich elementów z obu stron rzeki przed spięciem w całość.
5 years ago
W Warszawie powstanie ładniejszy!! haha i "trochę" droższy... dzięki Morawiecki :(
Overall rating: detailed ratings
7 years ago
40 lat temu widziałem film o budowie tego monumentu. Wmontowanie ostatniego elementu wymagało dokładnego wyliczenia o której godz., w zaplanowanym dniu, temp. będzie taka że rozszerzalność termiczna spowoduje, że element zmieści się między dwoma końcami paraboli. Prognoza się nie sprawdziła i konieczne okazało się schładzanie ramion pomnika wężami strażackimi. W końcu, przy dźwiękach orkiestry, udekorowany flagami ostatni element budowli znalazł się na swoim miejscu.
17 years ago
19 years ago
łuk robi wrażenie, fantastyczna konstrukcja, super miejsce do fotogafowania
20 years ago
Bylem w st.lois i widzialem ten łu, widok nie powala z nóg natomiast ciekawie prezentuje sie w nocy
20 years ago
przepiękna budowla, która jakby przeczy prawu grawitacji
20 years ago
a ja zawsze myślałem że ten łuk jest z żelbetu i pełny w środku
21 years ago
no mostek jest super szczegolnie ze lubi go chingy :D

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