Firth of Forth
United Kingdom

Firth of Forth in Scotland - 1.5 km long cantilever

Where is located Firth of Forth?

Address of Firth of Forth is South Queensferry and North Queensferry, Scotland
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When was built Firth of Forth?

Built date of Firth of Forth is 1890 - date of opening

Firth of Forth

Facts, informations and history of Firth of Forth

The Firth of Forth, also known as the Forth Bridge, is one of the most iconic and technologically advanced bridges in the world. Located in Scotland, it connects Edinburgh with County Fife. Its impressive structure and history are a testament to human determination and engineering excellence. Let's take a closer look at this extraordinary bridge, its history, curiosities and technical aspects that make it unique.


Firth of Forth Bridge - a royal example of engineering

When we look at the Firth of Forth Bridge, we immediately notice its impressive structure that dominates the landscape. However, before this bridge became a reality, engineers had to face many challenges, both technical and social.


History and context

In the 19th century, Scotland witnessed a tragic accident that changed the way we thought about bridge construction. In 1879, the Firth of Tay bridge collapsed in strong winds, leading to the death of 75 people. It was the worst disaster in the history of bridges. This tragic event had a profound impact on the people of Scotland, who began to demand safer and more durable structures.

When the Firth of Forth Bridge was proposed, residents were initially skeptical. They knew that the new structure had to withstand the harshest weather conditions to avoid a repeat of the Firth of Tay tragedy. Various options were considered, including building a tunnel, but it was deemed too risky.


The longest span in the world

Until the opening of the Quebec Bridge in Canada, the Firth of Forth Bridge had the longest span in the world, at 520 meters. This huge span lies 46 meters above the water, which was a real technological achievement of its time. This span was proof that engineers were able to create a structure resistant to the harshest weather conditions, meeting the requirements of the inhabitants of Scotland.


Design and technology

The construction of the Firth of Forth Bridge was a monumental task that required advanced technology and huge amounts of materials. The bridge is one of the first large steel railway bridges in the world, making it a pioneer in the field of bridge engineering.


Construction materials and techniques

The bridge was constructed using 54 thousand tons of steel, 177 m² of granite, stone and concrete, 21 thousand tons of cement and almost 7 million nits. These figures show what a huge undertaking the construction of the Firth of Forth Bridge was. The steel structure of the bridge ensures not only durability, but also flexibility, which is crucial in the context of changing weather conditions.


Foundations and towers

Three huge caissons, embedded under the river bed and filled with concrete, constitute the foundations of the tower. For spans exceeding 213 meters, bridge designers willingly used tubular load-bearing elements. The main elements of the three massive towers are pipes. Some of them are so huge that a train could fit inside them. The use of large-section pipes was an innovative solution that ensured the stability and durability of the structure.


The importance of the Firth of Forth Bridge

The Firth of Forth Bridge is not just a technical structure; is a symbol of human determination and the ability to overcome challenges. Its construction was of great importance both to the people of Scotland and to the entire world of engineering.


Impact on the community

The construction of the bridge had a huge impact on the local community. After the Firth of Tay Bridge disaster, the people of Scotland needed proof that engineering could be safe and reliable. The Firth of Forth became such evidence. Its solid construction and impressive technical achievements helped residents regain confidence in bridges and engineering.


Importance for engineering

The Firth of Forth Bridge is also an important landmark in engineering history. Its innovative technical solutions and materials used for construction became a model for future structures around the world. The engineers who worked on this project were recognized for their courage and innovation, and their work was awarded many times.


Curiosities and legend

The Firth of Forth Bridge has many interesting features that add charm and mystery to it. One of the most fascinating stories is the legend of the "eternally painted" bridge. Due to its enormous size and complexity, painting the bridge was an ongoing process. Workers painted the bridge throughout the year, and when they finished, they started over. This remains a symbol of its monumental scale.



The Firth of Forth Bridge is one of the most important and impressive bridges in the world. Its history, design and importance to engineering make it not only a technical masterpiece, but also a symbol of human determination and the ability to overcome challenges. From the tragic events of the Firth of Tay Bridge to a triumph of engineering, the Firth of Forth is a testament to human ingenuity and courage. Today, as part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Firth of Forth Bridge continues to fascinate and inspire generations of engineers and architecture enthusiasts around the world.

" The greatest ugliness " - William Morris

Architect of Firth of Forth

Architect of Firth of Forth is Benjamin Baker, John Fowler

Construction/building type

Building Firth of Forth is of type A cantilever bridge

Architectural style

Architectural style of Firth of Forth is Neoclassicism

Neoclassicism is an architectural style that draws on classical architectural forms from the ancient Greek and Roman periods. It involves the design of buildings that are characterised by simple forms, proportions and harmonious compositions. Neoclassicism is also distinguished by a large amount of ornamentation and decoration, which refers to ancient decorative motifs. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Firth of Forth

How many meters have Firth of Forth?

Firth of Forth have length 1.5 km
520 meters - the longest single span

What material is the building made of?

Firth of Forth is made of the following materials: Steel, concrete


Build cost of Firth of Forth is 15 million dollars

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. The Forth Bridge

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Firth of Forth is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 1485.
The listing took place in the year 2015.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

Comments to Firth of Forth (18) Average rating: 4,0 Add comment    /    Rate building

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Based on 18 comments
14 years ago
super jest ten most ale ile go trzeba odrestaurowywać kiedy bym nieprzejerzdrzał obok wiecznie wiszą na nim rusztowania
adi LPU
adi LPU
15 years ago
jest dziwny ale wielki jak ... wiecie co...
17 years ago
Jest trochę dziwny, ale może być
17 years ago
jest super...jak sie patrzy na niego z dołu z drogii do oceanarium to naprawed dech zapiera,a jeszcze widac drugii kawałek dalej.nieżle..maja rozmach.skur..yny jak powiedziano w kilerze:)
18 years ago
wlaściwie to pełna długość tego mostu wynosi 2,5 kilometra !!!
18 years ago
jeszcze chwila i bede wiedzial wszystko o tym moscie !!! jak po nie przejezdzalem kilka dni temu to bylem pewny ze jest naj pod kazdym wzglede mysle ze na dluga dla mnie zoztanie naj . . . :) dla szczegolnie zainteresowanych polecam prezentacje multimedialna w edymburskim national museumof scotland mieszczaca sie na balkonie 4 pietra zaraz nad ta wielka maszynka do pedzenia whisky :)
18 years ago
bylem pod nim przed wczoraj. ogromne wrazenie. jest ogromny
18 years ago
schematem statycznym tej konstrukcji chyba jest belka gerberowska niezła krata :):)
18 years ago
A ja go zrobię na makietę. Jest po prostu piekny
18 years ago
nio nio nio:)
19 years ago
heh... a ja pracowalem kolo niego
19 years ago
moryc ma racje
19 years ago
Wspanialy most, bylem przy nim w 2000roku, robi fantastyczne wrazenie, polecam tez stojacy obok niego piekny most wiszacy, podobny do Golden Gate!
20 years ago
To prawda że robi niezwykłe wrażenie. Od pierwszego dnia gdy zobaczyłam ten most, jadąc autobusem, chciałam zrobić sobie przy nim zdjęcie. Kilka dni przed odjazdem udało mi się:-) Jako ciekawostkę powiem że u jego podnóży jest super oceanarium z rekinami:-) i płaszczkami i innymi takimi
20 years ago
faktycznie robi wrazenie, chyba sie tam przejade i ocenie na zywo te konstrukcje
20 years ago
Studiuję budownictwo i jestem pod wrazeniem tej budowli. Kunszt inżynierów zasługuje na ogromne uznanie. Jeden z najpiękniejszych stalowych mosów.
20 years ago
Bylam, widzialam, robi wrazenie !!!
21 years ago
pomocy potrzebuje tonę materiałów na temat katastrof budowlanych i nic nie mogę znaleźć

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