Ferrari World
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi (Dubai) - Ferrari museum and park

Where is located Ferrari World?

Address of Ferrari World is FWAD, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
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When was built Ferrari World?

Built date of Ferrari World is 2007-2010

Ferrari World

Facts, informations and history of Ferrari World

Right next to the Formula I racing track - Yas Marina Circuit in Abu Dhabi, an object called the Ferrari World was created. In the area of ​​450 thousand. A park with an area of ​​200,000 has been created m² in the middle of which is the main building of the World Ferrari with an area of ​​176 thousand. m².

Construction of the park began on November 3, 2007 and lasted for three years.

The building offers over 20 different types of attractions for visitors. You can go here, among others the fastest train in the world - Ferrari Rosso - reaching speeds of up to 240 km / h, which up to 100 km / h accelerates in just 2 seconds.

Another attraction is the G-force machine that can "fire" users to a height of 62 meters (above the building's roof), enabling them to rapidly accelerate and feel overloaded 3.8 G.

Instead of watching engine models, tourists will be able to get into the moving seats and drive through the Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano engine from the inside looking at the pistons and the entire engine, i.e. beat the road, which he overcomes the fuel.

Other attractions include numerous simulators, a theater, a mini-Italia park, dozens of restaurants, souvenir shops and gadgets or a virtual museum of Ferrari history, full of interactive exhibits.

The building body itself has a streamlined shape and is red, which of course refers to Ferrari, whose racing cars are always blood-red.

The roof-mounted Ferrari logo with dimensions of 65 × 48.5 m is the largest in the world, occupying an area of ​​about 3,000. m². The entire roof area is 2200 m.

The whole is made of steel and efficient glass to reduce thermal loads and glare. 12,370 tons of steel and 29,000 square meters of glass were used for the construction. The amount of aluminum used in the construction would be enough to build 17,000 Ferrari cars.

The location is 200,000 The roof area took 14 months, that's what building the entire Empire State Building.

Ferrari World has the largest frame structure in the world ever built consisting of approximately 172,000 parts and 43,100 connections.

A huge funnel, 100 meters in diameter at the top and 17 meters at the base, emphasizes the roof structure. The central roof is based on 12 main columns forming the Arab star.

Dining options have a total of 1,200 seats, enough to serve guests from the entire park for 3 hours.

Every day, the park is visited by up to 10,000 tourists with 900 employees.

Architect of Ferrari World

Architect of Ferrari World is Benoy Architects

How many meters have Ferrari World?

Height of Ferrari World is 50 meters

how many meters have Ferrari WorldScale

Construction/building type

Building Ferrari World is of type Museum, Amusement park

Architectural style

Architectural style of Ferrari World is Modern

Modern architectural style is a style characterised primarily by simple and regular forms, a lack of ornamentation and the use of modern building materials. It is significantly different from other architectural styles, such as Baroque, Gothic or Renaissance, where more complex forms and rich ornamentation predominated. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Ferrari World

What area have Ferrari World?

Ferrari World have area of Total area: 176,000 m²
public space: 86,000 m²
three levels: 236,000 m²


Build cost of Ferrari World is Ok. $ 1 billion

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Based on 4 comments
2 years ago
byłem. było fajnie, ale... nic tam nie jest tak ekstrymalne na jakie jest kreowane- najlepszy rollercoster wcale nie ferrari rosso, a Flying Aces i dodam, ze osoba z ktora bylem miala lepsze emocje na zadrze w energylandii. ogolnie polecam dokupic fast track poniewaz kolejki sa spore. daje 7/10
Overall rating: detailed ratings
3 years ago
Overall rating: detailed ratings
mmgru []
4 years ago
Od lat jestem fanem formuły 1 i ferrari, moim marzeniem jest wyjazd do tego miejsca.
8 years ago
Ciekawa bryła, chętnie bym to zobaczył na żywo. Martwi mnie tylko koszt biletu, bo jak to na ZEA, pewnie nie jest tani :/

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