Rome, Italy

Coloseum in Rome (Italy) - theatre

Where is located Coloseum?

Address of Coloseum is Via dei Fori Impariali, Rome, Italy
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When was built Coloseum?

Built date of Coloseum is Years 72 - 80 e.e.


Facts, informations and history of Coloseum

The construction of the Coliseum was a masterpiece. The building had an oval shape of two interconnected Greek theaters. Viewers had a good view of all places.

Romans used mobile scaffolding for construction. This enabled simultaneous work of slaves on all sections of the construction. They also used concrete mortar (which they invented), and the structure was reinforced with metal frames.

The arena had a wooden, sand-covered floor, it has a basement of seven meters. There were channels for water supply and drainage, cages for wild animals, a prison for gladiators, as well as machinery spaces and equipment needed for technical support for the stage.

Coliseum is enormous. Its height is 55 m, width 156 m, length 188 m, and the circumference is 527 m.

Giant sails formerly shielded the viewers sitting in the outer rows from the sun. The Colosseum housed 50,000 seats and 6,000 standing. Each of them had a numbered seat.

There were 80 entrances to the Coliseum, if necessary, the amphitheater could be left very quickly.

The façade of the three storeys rising to 48.5 m is in the following styles: Dorycki, Joński and Koryncki.

In the arena there were: gladiator fights, animal chewing, group fights, entire sea battles and public executions.

During the inauguration of the Coliseum, the games lasted 100 days, about 5,000 animals were killed.

" When the Colosseum falls, Rome will fall. "

Architect of Coloseum

Architect of Coloseum is (nieznany)

How many meters have Coloseum?

Height of Coloseum is 55 meters

how many meters have ColoseumScale

Construction/building type

Building Coloseum is of type Amphitheater

Architectural style

Architectural style of Coloseum is Ancient Roman

The ancient Roman architectural style is mainly characterised by the use of brick and marble and the use of columns and triangular pediments. Roman architecture was known for its monumental buildings such as amphitheatres, thermopiles and temples. Roman architects were known for their ability to use natural light and ventilation in their buildings, which was particularly important in the warm climate of Italy. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions


What area have Coloseum?

Coloseum have area of 6 acres

What material is the building made of?

Coloseum is made of the following materials: Stone, concrete, steel, wood


Build cost of Coloseum is Ok. 75 million marks

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Amfiteatr Flawiuszów, Theatrum Flavium

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Coloseum is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 91ter.
The listing took place in the year 1980.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

Comments to Coloseum (141) Average rating: 4,0 Add comment    /    Rate building

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20 years ago
Stronka jest fajna, ciekawie zrobiona.Nigdzie nie moglam znalezc zdjec koloseum,a tu prosze...Dla tych co maja do czynienia z budownictwem stronka jest pomocna i to bardzo.tak trzymać!!!
20 years ago
20 years ago
bardzo skrótowo, mało!!!!!!! :(
20 years ago
MOJE PYTANIE: Jak nalezy rozumiec przelicznik walutowy "kosztu Koloseum".Prosze o odpowiedz na maila, bylbym bardzo wdzieczny.pozdrawiam.Tak ogolnie pozytywnie oceniam te stronki, jednak moglyby miec troszke wiecej informacji...
20 years ago
dzięki za tą stronę!!! uratowala mi d..e!
20 years ago
jak dla mnie oczywiście...
20 years ago
nie macie planów koloseum? model 3d? znacie jakieś dokładniejsze serwisy poświęcone konstrukcji takich obiektów? tu jest za mało danych technicznych
20 years ago
krótko i na temat ,i tak ma być!!
20 years ago
SUPER,SUPER,SUPER po prostu jest ta stronka
20 years ago
juz drugi raz ta strona ratuje mnie z opresji... dzieki
20 years ago
ładnie, pięknie ale czegoś istotnego mi tu brakuje: Historia powstania, dlaczego beton z koloseum jest tak wyjątkowy( budulec z wulkanu!!), kto i dlaczego zabrał się za budowę, co się działo na arenie, jak zasiadali widzowie(kobiety na najwyższych miejscach=najgorszych,nielicząc Westalek), co stanowiło częściową ochronę przed słońcem??? to naprawde szalenie ciekawe!!!
20 years ago
dzięki idealnej harmoni przebywając w koloseum nie czuje się jego wielkości -podobnie jak z placem i bazyliką św.Piotra a skoro mowa o stronce jest ok, brakuje mi polskich akcentów, polskich wieżowców...
20 years ago
dobre to to jest, ale szkoda, ze nie po angielsku, bo takie jest mi potrzebne! moze sie poznamy
20 years ago
dziękuję autorowi poratowałeś mnie w sieci nie można znaleść zdjęć koloseum
20 years ago
niezłe spoko i wogóle podoba mi sie PS. nie znasz mnie
21 years ago
stronka jest poprostu wypasiona nie widzialam lepszej nawet po 2 godzinnym szukaniu w neciku i design i informacje są tu pierwsza klasa :) poprostu 2 godziny szukania a to co znalazłam i przeczytalam tu w ciagu 4 minut to chyba ogromna różnica :) gratulacje twórco i oby tak dalej :))

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