Collserola Tower
Barcelona, Spain

Collserola Tower in Barcelona (Spain) - 288 meter tower, Torre de Collserola

Where is located Collserola Tower?

Address of Collserola Tower is Barcelona, ​​Catalonia, Spain
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When was built Collserola Tower?

Built date of Collserola Tower is March 1990 - start of construction
June 27, 1992 - official opening

Collserola Tower

Facts, informations and history of Collserola Tower

Collserola Tower, located in the Spanish Barcelona certainly stands out from other such structures. The first project to build a grand transmission tower in the heart of Catalonia was created in 1987. In five years, the Olympic Games were to take place in the city. Barcelona did not yet have a broadcast mast that could overcome the communication chaos of the Olympic city. In addition, the tower was to become a symbol of the city apart from the stadium.

The project was entrusted to the genius British architect Sir Norman Foster. He and his associates as usual stood up to the task. A tower project has been created which the world has not yet seen.

As the construction site, the Turo de la Vilana was chosen as 445 m above sea level. Thanks to this, the top of the structure is located at an altitude of 733 m. In addition, the mountain is built of very strong rock, occurring at the minimum depth.

Construction began in March 1990. At the beginning, as always, foundations for the tower and its lashings were created. Then the core of the building was built, the deck was decked and the transmitting equipment was installed. The opening took place on June 27, 1992. Soon after the Olympic Games were played.

The main element of the structure is a reinforced concrete core with a diameter of 450 cm. It is 205 m high and its foundations reach a depth of 5 m. A steel structure with a height of 83 m is placed at the top of the core. It has a conical shape and is held vertically by ropes attached to the deck. Transmitting antennas are mounted to it.

A twelve-story deck with a height of 83 meters has been attached to the core. Its lowest part is located 60 meters above the ground, it was made entirely of steel and weighs nearly 3,000 tons.

The entire structure holds eight steel wire ropes vertically. Each of them has a diameter of 56 mm (1.96 inches).

An observation platform has been located at an altitude of 135 meters. In good weather there is a beautiful view within a radius of 70 km.

The deck can be reached by a lift located in the core of the structure. It has a speed of 36 km / h, and can carry 250 people per hour.

Architect of Collserola Tower

Architect of Collserola Tower is Norman Foster


How many meters have Collserola Tower?

Height of Collserola Tower is 288 m (945 ft)

how many meters have Collserola TowerScale

Construction/building type

Building Collserola Tower is of type Transmitting tower, Observation tower with lashings

Architectural style

Architectural style of Collserola Tower is Modern

Modern architectural style is a style characterised primarily by simple and regular forms, a lack of ornamentation and the use of modern building materials. It is significantly different from other architectural styles, such as Baroque, Gothic or Renaissance, where more complex forms and rich ornamentation predominated. ... czytaj więcej.

What material is the building made of?

Collserola Tower is made of the following materials: Steel, concrete


Build cost of Collserola Tower is $ 36.6 million

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Torre de Collserola

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

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17 years ago
Byłem w Barcelonie kilka lat temu (5) było bosko , to piękne miasto niestety nie miałem okazji zweidzić tej wieży, ale pokaz tanczących fontann zrobił na mnie wielkie wrażenie....polecam bo warto
17 years ago
Ja także byłam w Barcelonie kilkakrotnie i kilkakrotnie widziałam Collserolę. Zależy od której strony się patrzy. Jesli jedzie się od strony Tarragony albo Montserrat to owszem rzuca się w oczy i to z daleka.
18 years ago
Odnosnie tej nawyzszego masztu na swiecie co byla w polsce to runela z powodu braku konserwacji! Bo brakowalo KASY jak zwykle...
19 years ago
Maszt na Ślęży nie musi być tak wysoki, by jego szczyt przewyższał barcelońską antenę, ciekawe jednak kiedy "uodpornią" go przeciw piorunom.
19 years ago
Kilkakrotnie byłem w Barcelonie, ale nie przypominam sobie, bym coś podobnego widział. Prawdopodobnie obiekt nie rzuca sie w oczy, a przewodnicy nie widzą potrzeby zawracania głowy turystom takimi drobiazgami.
19 years ago
czy ja wiem??Najfajniejsze to to nie jest, ten architekt mogl sie bardziej wysilic...Jak ktos nie czyta opisow to by pomyslal, ze robia tyle szumu z powodu wiezy cisnien!!
19 years ago
Tak, miło sobie popatrzeć... nasza epoka... a wygląda jak wieża ciśnień...
19 years ago
to było gdzieś pod łodzią, i nie było najwyższe w eurolandzie a na całym świecie! wracając do tematu - ochydne brzydactwo!
19 years ago
No mieliśmy coś takiego to było w polsce chyba koło warszawy i miało chyba 609metrów
19 years ago
mieliśmy coś takiego w Polsce, było nawet najwyższe w Europie, ale się zawaliło, nię pamiętam gdzie stało, no i nie było takie ...nowoczesne;)
19 years ago
19 years ago
wreszcie pojawiają się "budowle"wyrażające nasząepokę.czyż nie miło sobie popatrzeć???
19 years ago
sir Norman Foster jest geniuszem współczesności:)

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